"Who are you?"

"It's my turn to watch over you."

"No, bring the other one back."

"He'll be busy for a while. Our king needs him right now."

"Bring. Him. Back."

"What's wrong with me?! Everyone always has some problem with me. First that cursed princess, then the hero!"

I grit my teeth, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Do you need us to stop?"

"No... no, I'll be fine."

"Your presence in my head is making me feel sick."

"You're making excuses to get rid of me. Just like the others."

Before I could react, Link had turned around and pulled me in front of him, holding me close to his chest.


"You were falling off. You're not looking too good either."

"Well, thanks-"

"I'm serious. You look pale and sick."

He pressed his hand to my forehead as I sank into him.

"This happened when Gh-he first went into your mind. Maybe you're just reacting badly to us?"

"I'm not even supposed to be here. I never wanted to be on this side. Of course I'd react negatively to you... I don't remember getting sick when the other one was here, though."

"It could be that. It doesn't always treat the holders kindly."

My hand felt like it was burning worse, and I squeezed my wrist.

"Does your hand hurt? Maybe take the glove off and we can-"

"No! I... I can't take the glove off."

Link's arm around me tightened as his horse slowed. He took my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Will you be okay?"

"Y-yeah... for the most part..."

Zelda glanced back at us, her brows furrowed. She slowed until she was next to us; her knuckles white on the reins.

"We can't be too far off, right?"

Link looked around, before turning back to Zelda.

"We just passed Zelo pond. I'd say we're about halfway there. Thims Bridge is ahead, and it's not far from there. We made more progress than I thought, actually..."

Zelda nodded, turning her attention ahead.

"What's wrong?" Link asked.

"I just... don't have a good feeling. I'm not sure what it is yet."

"Do you want to rest for a moment?"

"I think I can wait for the stable. It really shouldn't be too much longer, yes?"

Link nodded, looking at the path ahead.

"Please, no monsters," he whispered.

My eyes widened when a raspy chuckle filled my head.


"Why not? I can watch them suffer!"

"He can't protect all of us!"

✓ | To Save Her | Link x OC | Breath of the WildWhere stories live. Discover now