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Olivia sat in a circle with her closest friends as she opened gifts, her fake boyfriend on her side.
"Oh, a candle!" Olivia smiled as she smelled it.

"Oh, what scent is it?" Nic asked as she looked at the label.
"Summer breeze?" Olivia said as Nic rolled his eyes.

"Who gave you that?" Matt smiled as she looked at the bag she had received it from.
"Amelia..." She slowly said as Matt pressed his lips together, awkwardly.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Olivia stood up as she looked at Madi
"I have to go too," Madi said standing up

"We all have to go!" Nessa smiled at the boys, she grabbed Sab and dragged her towards the bathroom with Madi and Olivia.
As they walked away Matt sighed as Chris turned to him.

"What did you do?" Chris rolled his eyes at Matt


All the girls walk into Nessa's bathroom.
"What the fuck was that awkwardness?" Nessa asked as Olivia sat on the counter.

"I caught Amelia and Matt flirting," Olivia said as all the girls gasped, except for Madi.

"What?" Sab gasped and rolled her eyes.

"Really? Matt?" Nessa started as Olivia nodded.

"But you guys are like the perfect couple!" Sab half joked as Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Far from perfect," Madi mumbled as Olivia looked at her.

"Anyways... I can't believe Amelia, you guys were friends right?" Nessa asked as Olivia looked away from Madi, nodding.

"She shouldn't be anymore," Madi said as Olivia turned back to her.
"Haley is really upset at her," Madi explained a little as they all nodded slowly.

"Also you and Haley!" Ness smiled at Madi as she blushed turning away.
"Stop..." Madi said as all the girls teased her about it.

"We should invite Haley for a sleepover, at my apartment," Olivia said to the girls.

"Oh, we haven't had a sleepover in so long!" Sab said as Ness turned to her.

"Babe, we had one today. For Via's birthday,"
"Yeah but like a just girl one?" Sab smiled as Olivia nodded, smiling as well.
Sab just had a contagious smile.

"Yeah, those are always more fun," Madi chuckled as Olivia got down from the counter.

"But if we invite Haley we kinda have to invite Amelia," Nessa said as Olivia scrunched her face in disgust.

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!" Madi said snapping her fingers.
With one look at each other, they knew what the other had in mind.

"You guys scare me most of the time," Nessa said as Madi and Olivia laughed.
"No, I just wanna know her angle,"

"Yeah like why she was flirting Matt? If she knows you guys are together," Sab said as Madi and Olivia share a look.

Olivia was starting to feel guilty about this whole thing.
She hated lying to her friends about this.
Sometimes she forgot this wasn't real...

"Anyways, We should get back to them," Olivia said as the rest nodded.
They made their way to the living room and they saw them all 'shushing' each other once they noticed the girls.

"What were you guys talking about?" Olivia said as she went to sit next to Chris instead of Matt, but Matt quickly grabbed her by the waist pulling her towards him.

She made a sound as she fell onto the couch. He smiled at her as she pulled away a little. She hesitantly smiled back.

"We weren't talking about anything," Matt said as he loosened his grip on her, putting his hands on his lap, a little upset about how she was acting right now.

"Yeah, we were not talking about anything important," Chris said as he gave Matt his phone back.

Moments earlier

"What did you do?" Chris rolled his eyes at Matt.

"Nothing!" Matt lowly said as he watched Olivia disappear into the hall.

"Matt... We are not stupid," Nic said putting his phone down.

"The vibes have been off today," Nic added as Marcel nodded, agreeing.
"Yeah, like we can all tell something happened," Marcel said as Matt rolled his eyes.

"Nothing happened," Matt repeated as Chris rolled his eyes.

"You are a terrible liar," Nic said sighing, as Matt groaned.

"Okay. I know we are all thinking about it. What happened with Amelia?" Marcel interrupted the silence.
Nic turned to his boyfriend with a proud smile.

"Oh! yeah! You left with her for like an hour," Chris commented as Nic pointed a finger at Matt.
"More like two hours,"

"Nothing! we were just talking," Matt shrugged, grabbing his phone.
Chris snatched his phone.

"Matt! I am being serious when I say this," Chris said as he widened his eyes.

"Olivia is one of the best people I know," Chris started as Matt bit his cheek.
"She has been so important to me since we were kids, and you know this. I need you to not do any more stupid things!" Chris as Matt nodded.

He always forgets how much he cares for her.

"I agree with Chris, Olivia is the best thing to happen to you. Dont ruin it," Nic sternly said as Matt turned to him.

"Yeah. You are lucky to have her," Marcel said as he smiled at Nick, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"And if you do more stupid things... I will be mad at you," Chris said sitting back.
Matt's phone would not stop bussing.

"Chris... I am your brother,"

"And?" Chris said as Matt rolled his eyes.

"You are supposed to be on my side!" Matt complained as Chris nodded his head no.
"If she fucks up, I'll be mad at her. If you fuck up, I'll be mad at you," Chris simply said as Matt's mouth fell agape.

"Chris is a simple man," Marcel joked looking at Nic, waiting for him to laugh.
He didn't.

"But I am your brother-" Matt was interrupted by Chris shushing him. Nic started shushing too and Matt rolled his eyes. He watched as his fake girlfriend made her way toward them.

Matt pulled her to sit next to him and a while later Chris gave him his phone back, not before taking a quick look at who was spamming the kid.

'Lia <33'

Chris sighed as he handed the phone back.

Why was Amelia texting a taken guy, and worse
why was Matt responding?

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I want to dedicate this chapter to AUBREE

my little sibling.
they read all of my story today and I'm so glad they like it
so yeah

also I'm starting a chris one........
just fyi


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