Chapter 37.

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"What are you here for?" He asked as though he was oblivious as to why they took the pains to find his house. Any smart person would know that.

"I've been feeling strangely under the weather to the extent I started to buy blood from blood banks. It's like some of my powers and energies have been drained. Olivia came to meet me complaining about the same thing. She was even in a worse state cuz she didn't understand what she was meant to do." He paused and studied Jerome for the while. "We decided to come to you to ask what's happening." He finished and his expression soon matched Jerome's.

Jerome stared at them intently. His head was supported by his arm that was propped up on the left arm of the couch and his legs, crossed.

"Jerome," Olivia said to at least make some kind of sound to fill the uneasy silence. Why wasn't he speaking to them? She felt something bad has happened he wants saying.

"O.K, Z.K... where are your messengers?" Jerome slightly squinted at them, sensing something wrong had happened to them. They looked at each other before turning back to him.

"Mine and Zaire's asked for leave over a week ago. What do they have to do with this?" Olivia creased her brows and pursed her lips.

"They did this at the same time, right?" Jerome asked again.

"No. In a two days interval. What's going on in your mind, Jerome? What happened to them?" Zaire answered and grew a bit weary of how his guy was behaving.

"Your messengers are deliberately slacking off and keeping your information from you. They don't even do much work and they asked for leave? Doesn't that sound strange to you?" Jerome had a darker shade to his countenance and his siblings knew he was angry. But his voice was still plain sugary sweet.

"I guess it does." They both said in together, Zaire subtly scratching the back of his head and Olivia nervously picking on her nails.

"Since you're so carefree about certain information, I'm firing your messengers." Jerome half sighed and the other two nodded.

"But J.K... what has already happened within one week that was important you have to fire our messengers?" Olivia asked innocently and tilted her head. If Jerome hadn't chosen this path to still and quiet he would have already been ticked off by the annoying question and the innocent look on her face.

But he gave her a tight lipped smile before he started.

"The vampire's crowned prince is presently slumped in my room." He said cooly, like it wasn't a big deal... Cuz it wasn't actually?

"WHAT?!" They both exclaimed with wide eyes but he ignored the fact that they think it's a big deal.

"How do you have him in here?" Zaire spoke with creased brows. "Cuz it's that big of a deal, Jerome." He eyed him, knowing that smooth look he was giving them.

"He was in Xavier's custody before I offered to bring him here and tame him." He said blinking a few times before briefly looking out his window. Zaire bit the inside of his cheek to wait for him to drop more bombs. He had already seen he's dropping from smallest to largest. Which isn't good.

"It turned out he dated N.K. last year for six months and I didn't know about it till yesterday." He had this sour tone. Like he was incompetent to find out such information about how his daughter fared.

"Mother is stuck in her house and unable to leave due to loss of energies. And Balance." He paused to guage their reactions. Their eyes were as wide as saucers and Olivia started to tremble.

"W-What about father? I know he was out in Switzerland two weeks ago and hasn't returned." Olivia gulped and shook more violently as she spoke.

Jerome pursed his lips. He didn't see the point in keeping them in the dark. Though they might react rabidly, he still needed them to know.

"Father... is dead." He said softly and Olivia gasped, coughing out blood. Zaire stood up and held her shaking body with ice darts in Jerome.

"Is this some kind of sick joke, Jerome? I see you being quiet and lonely has made you start thinking up things!" Zaire shouted at him as he raised his hand. A cup filled to the brim with blood landed in it and he stood to give Olivia the cup.

"Here." He said and gave her the cup. Then he looked over at Zaire who was heaving in anger.

"If you hadn't let those messengers wander off to no where in particular... then maybe you wouldn't have to hear this from someone as quiet and lonely as me." He said in a sweeter, plainer and more sugary voice, hinting his annoyance and Zaire girthed his teeth.

"Who? Who killed him? Cuz nothing physical could have just killed him in his kind of strength so who killed him?!" Zaire settled Olivia's head on his shoulder.

"Xavier." Jerome said, immediately casting a sealing spell on the house. And dictating Zaire's next move.

"Xavier? Royale? Mother's personal guard who became a demon four months ago?" Zaire seethed with rage, his eyes only gold-ish red cuz of loss of energies.

"Too much of a description." Jerome answered and wiped her mouth with his handkerchief. Zaire resorted to jumping out the window but bounced back with an angry growl.

"You don't have to go after him. Nel would insist on knowing more when she just found out about her existence... coupled with the impression that her grandmother is a fraud." Jerome lay Olivia on the couch and sat on the arm, watching her calm her breathing.

"You left your daughter with a murderer?" Zaire mused.

"I left my daughter with Xavier Royale." Jerome said plainly and Zaire shook his head.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" Zaire felt like punching this unshaken stone in front of him to sand. What the fuck is he thinking?

"Yesterday he spoke like he was compelled to do it. By who is what I don't know."  He stood with the cup at chest level and his other hand in his pocket.

Zaire lowered his eyes and thought deeply. Xavier was actually loyal to King Charles and their mother. Too loyal to the extent that even Jerome would not just jump into conclusions on the matter.

"Carry her upstairs to the room at the far end. And tell her husband she'll have to be with me for a few days." He ordered, snapping Zaire out of his thoughts and left to go to his room.

Hhhheeeeesssss. Abeg. Children of God. I no fit update next week. Mid simestre dey choke   

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