Chapter 47

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Dominique drove into the lawn and killed the engine. Nel's mood swing had almost dissipated. And Xavier looked even more anxious.

"Get your asses up people." Dom got out without failing to dramatically slam the door shut. Xavier did before going to help Nel out. But she subtly swatted his hand. Then Dom started to move to another car, the one they drove in going to Martha's house.

"Where're you going to?" Xavier called out to her.
"My car... Home." She said with that 'you should know' face.

"Good." The first thing Nel said after the whole twenty minutes drive and stomped to the front door. She opened it and yelped before slamming the door shut and breathing hard.

How did he get in?

Xavi wanted to wave to Dom. But when he saw the terrified look on Nel's face, he rushed over to her in almost lightning speed. Dom deadpanned and shook her head. Of course he was going to her first.

"Who... Why... How did he get in? You locked the fucking door!" She pointed at the door like it was a monster, clutching her chest. Xavi slightly raised a brow and went past her to open the door. He deadpanned and sighed. Then he took her hand and led her in.

"You need to stop phasing through my spell or I would actually end you. What now?" Xavier groaned. He didn't know if he was afraid as to why Prince Jerome sent him here or angry he barged into the house when Nel was with him. Either way, Harry's presence wasn't giving him good vibes.

Nel on the other hand was pissed at how he already knew this person and how he was so freely communicating with the person. If this was how people would be coming in, she was going to lock herself in a room.

"From Prince Jerome." The guy simply said and handed him a formal looking letter paper. But it wasn't stamped or sealed.
Then he turned to Nel and smiled.

"Nice to finally meet you, Miss Nellyda." He said and let out his hand for a handshake. Nel wanted to politely decline, given the way he already knew her name. But Xavier stopped opening the letter and swatted his hand away with a death glare. Nel looked at him in shock. What was wrong with him.
She eyed him and shook Harry's hand longer than 3 seconds making Xavier's eyes twitch. And Xavier was so annoyed with the way the guy was smiling at her like he won a lottery.

"Harry, if you don't take your eyes off her, I'll make sure to gouge your eyes out with a rusted spoon and feed it to you uncooked." Xavier looked like the god of death, staring at him. He could kill with that look. He swiftly took his and and stepped back.

"Apologies, your highness." He bowed and gulped. He had two very fearful persons that have the right to order him. But he couldn't help being more afraid of Xavier than Jerome. He knew six out of ten times that Prince Jerome does not go with his threats. He rather hands a lesser punishment to scare you. But Xavier might do worse in rage and fury. Worse than kill. And that... that was why he avoided breathing the same air with King Royale.

Xavier eyed him one last time before unfolding the paper to read it's contents. Immediately, his hairs stood straight on his skin and he had a bewildered expression. And Nel didn't fail to catch it.

"What's wrong?" She asked and startled him. He shook his head and buried the paper deep in his pocket.

"Send him my apologies and tell him he will never see me repeat such again." He said and dismissed the guy. Both him and Nel let their eyes follow him till he left and shut the door.

"What was in that letter?" She asked again. Xavier turned to her with a nervous smile, already breaking a sweat.

"Nothing important. Just a quick reminder not to fool around." He scratched the back of his head and looked away.
Nel just stared at him and shrugged.

But then suddenly the room went dark... no that's not it. Hands were over her eyes.

"What're you doing?" She touched it and tried pulling them off.

"Shh don't fight or you'll fall of the stairs and I'll be forced to take the pain for you." He breathed in her ear and led her up the stairs with his other hand circling her waist.

"Where the hell you taking me Xavier Royale?" She said when she felt them take a turn.

"You'll stub all your toes if you're not careful Nel." He said and she took the hint to raise her leg higher to cross over a platform. She felt cool breeze touch her cheeks and she assumed they were on a balcony. Or even on the roof.

What's up with him?

"Keep your eyes close, okay? Don't ruin the fun." He said and slowly took his hand from her eyes leaving her standing.
Fun? What fun thing have they done apart from cook? Okay maybe taking her out was kinda fun too. But what the hell was he doing?
She waited a fairly long time before she heard his voice again.

"You can open your eyes now." He said and she did the cliche slow eyes opening. But then she widened her eyes.
Pretty flower lamps and golden lanterns lit the balcony in a beautiful bright golden colour. The next thing she noticed was the table, a low table covered in a white cloth but glowed gold from the lanterns. On it were white plates and bowls, two China pots, a vase with white roses, a bottle she identified as wine and then...
A cake? With her name on it?

"Happy birthday Nel." Xavier stood at arms length from the table in a white long sleeve collar shirt and trousers but no shoes. He was bare foot.
Nel left her mouth open and stared in shock.

When did he get all this planned?

"Xavier..." She said and trailed off. It was simple yet looked so extravagant. Why did he do all this? And her birthday. How did he know about her birthday?

Xavier couldn't tell if she was happy or not cuz she just stood there frozen with her mouth open. So he left his spot to check on her.

"Are you okay?" He took her hand and rubbed circles on the back. She raised her head and stared into his eyes and he stared back with a wide smile. She looked away and took off her sneakers and jacket, keeping them next to the door. She stood and turned back to him.

"This is beautiful." She said in a quiet voice and hugged him. Xavier's smile grew so wide as he hugged her tighter. She loved it. And he was going to make the best of this evening.

The Demon King.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora