Chapter 19

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"Nellyda, I've been trying to reach you for over a week now. Where the hell are you?" Martha jumped up on her bed as she answered her phone.

"If you're at your apartment, stay there. I'm coming over with Kane right now." Nel shouted at her phone before cutting the call. Then she pushed her phone into her pockets while holding onto Kane.

They stole someone's motor bike and Kane was riding like a bat outta hell. She wasn't even breathing properly with the wind slapping her face.

"What did she say?" Kane asked over the sound of the wind and the noise of the bike.

"Just go to her apartment she doesn't have a choice." Nel shouted back.

It was 11:20 and Nel was surprised that they got out unharmed. They didn't face any difficulty.
She still felt bad about leaving but she was getting better. Or she thought she was. Xavier won't be looking for them till morning.

He chained the bike to some rails next to the apartment building and they walked in together.

When they got to her floor, Martha was already standing at the elevator, waiting for them.

"N.K, I missed you soo much. You got me worried when I wasn't getting any thing from you." Martha hugged her sister tight. Nel needed this hug, after going through hell for four days.
It wasn't really hell. Just living in fear. Xavier didn't hate her after all.

"Sorry." Was all she could say after reuniting with the outside world in a frenzy.

"Kane. I like the way the both of you showed up together. C'mon. We have a lot to tell each other." She said as she led them to her apartment.


A lot.

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Xavier broke into his brother's house at 11:25. A window was open somewhere on the first floor so, he just jumped in. It was a guest room. At least Gerald won't see him jumping in like an assassin.
He went to his room on the third floor but he wasn't there, so he went to the bar on the ground floor.

"Hey, man." Xavier came abruptly into his line of sight and he choked on the grape wine he was drinking.

"What the fuck Xavier?! How did you get in?!" Gerald tried collecting himself but the shock was too much.
Xavi didn't think of an excuse so he used his energies to open the front door.

"You left the front door open." He pointed himself to the slightly open front door. Gerald gaped at it before shaking his head and tapping the stool next to him for Xavi to sit. He was sure the door was fucking closed just now.

"I came all the way from my apartment just to be here. What did you call me for that needed a bro to bro chit-chat ?" Xavi propped his head on his fisted hand that rested on the counter top as Gerald poured him a glass.

"Our lives. By the way, I like your new haircut. You didn't fancy ponytails anymore or... is it cuz of a girl?" He said blankly before sipping on his glass.
Xavi remembered he cut it cuz of Nel the day she insultedly invited him to lunch with spicy human offals on the menu. He inwardly laughed and avoided answering Gerald's question. He did it for a girl and that sounded like an entirely different notion.

"Before we start, can I have Vodka instead? I wanna get drunk tonight." Xavier passed the glass back to him with an innocent smile.

"Nope. Too young for that." Gerald deadpanned and looked him dead in the eye.

"C'mon Jewels. I'm 19. Let's make you happy instead?" Xavi placed his hands on his shoulders and slowly ran them down to his chest. Gerald tried his best to be immune to his brother's madness but he couldn't take it. It was too smooth and arousing. He wished he could just fucking pin down this innocent looking...

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