| 1 | An Unexpected Announcement

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[Kokichi Ouma!]

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

I slowly open my eyes to the sound of the morning announcement. Damn already? Ugh.

I was too drowsy to hear the words of what the Mono-whatever had to say, not like I gave a shit anyway. I get up quickly and head to the bathroom, normal morning routine stuff.

I put on my scarf quickly and ran out of my dorm. I glanced around as I locked my door room, wary of my surroundings. Another day, which means another day of this enduring this hellish place.

I skipped to where the dining room was. I peered in with a huge smile, just for it to disappear because no one was there. Huh. Weird.

Suddenly, I heard chattering in the distance. Did Monokuma tell us to go to the gym? Huh, maybe I should pay a little more to the morning announcements.

I ran to the gymnasium, and as expected, everyone was there. A few weren't here yet so we still had to wait for them. I went to one corner of the room and leaned against the wall. I wonder what Monokuma wants to do with us this time.

Maybe a motive? It's weirdly early for him to do that if he was actually going to. But he IS Monokuma after all, the sadistic bear who forced us to play this sick game.

It's a shame that Kirumi died. To be honest, I was quite fond of her cooking. And I would never tell anyone this, but she reminded me of a mother. Something I never really experienced.

I watched as the last few come one by one. I searched the crowd for a certain someone. And there I saw his navy ahoge poking out.

Shuichi Saihara. The Ultimate Detective.

It was like love at first sight, literally. I loved teasing him in trials, since it was really the only way for him to put his attention to me. It made me fall in love with him more. Even if he said some terrible things about me. Even if it was one-sided.

But of course I didn't tell anyone. Like hell I would. Over my dead body.

After a few minutes, the monochrome finally hopped out from where he was hiding. I could clearly see the worry in everyone's eyes.

"SHAAAAZAM! Monokuma is here!" He shouts in his usual loud, goofy voice. The monokubs start appearing a few seconds after.

"Puhuhuu! Did ya guys miss me?~" Monokuma asks, sadly for him no one answered. People just looked at him with disgust.

Kaito demands, "Just tell us what you want!" He, along with everyone else, clearly tired of seeing Monokuma already.

Who wouldn't? After all, the bear was able to get the death count here up to 4.

"Alright, alright! Sheesh.. Today I'm not only going to give a sort of motive, but a sort of punishment!" Monokuma answered, trying to look quirky. Almost everyone gave him a horrified look, while I attempt to look like I was enjoying this announcement.

"B-But we didn't even find a body, or even do a trial?!" Tsumugi retorted with a confused look.

Monotaro, who was trying to show off his leadership to both his remaining siblings and his father, clapped his hands together. "Quiet down everyone, Father has something to say!"

Surprisingly, his message worked.

Monokuma cleared his throat. "ANYWAY.. Ever heard of the Hanahaki Disease? Anyone?"

"Hu..? Hana-wha Dizeaze?" Himiko slurred, leaning onto Tenko's shoulder.

I didn't have a clue about what the Hanahaki Disease was, so this obviously piqued my interest.

Monokuma cleared his throat once more. He tried to look smart as he explained the entirety of what it was, "The Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings love only or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, then the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear." He took a deep breath, continuing further.

"But in this case, you CANNOT get the surgery. Another way it could get cured is when you figure out who it is and who their special person is, and killing of course. They are forbidden from telling others unless they want to die early. Actually, the stronger the love they have for that single person, the more painful it will be and the more faster they will die! Isn't that fun?" He finishes with a dramatic huff at the end.

Everyone glanced around at each other, expecting a sort of sign. But nobody did anything. Everyone looked fine.

Weirdly, I felt fine.

"Oh! Silly me, I almost forgot to tell you that this disease won't prosper until a few hours later."

Monodam laughs ever so robotically. "Ha-ha-ha. You should've seen the dumb looks on your faces." No one finds him amusing in the slightest.

Monokuma completely ignored this and makes a pleased face. "I'm finally done with my announcement.."

"Shoo, shoo now!" Monokuma attempted to seem scary by putting his arms up in a bear-like position. No one was obviously terrified of him, but people left anyway.

As per usual, we went to the dining room. People were especially paranoid about the food now since Monokuma apparently makes the food now. Everyone ate in an awkward silence.

I attempted to seem like I didn't care by eating quickly with a cheeky smile. Some looked at me with a concerned look, and I pretended like I hadn't noticed.

As soon as I finished my food, I ran into the kitchen to get my beloved Panta (purple Fanta heheh). A couple others had followed me to put their dishes in the sink. I wonder who will clean the dishes these days now since Kirumi isn't here anymore to do it.

Eh, why should I care anywho. I chugged my Panta until it was completely empty. And as soon as I did, a weird feeling in my stomach developed.

Was the Panta spoiled? I checked the expiration date, but it was long before it could, at least, I think so. I kinda lost count of the days after a while.

A underwhelming sense of worry arised. I shook my head. It must be nothing.


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