"Your songcord... and what does that represent?"

"This is a piece of coral that I found on the beach the third day that we got here,"

"It's pretty," He says.

"Yes it is," I smile.

"I want one for our son too, but I'll add it once it is born," I say.

Miles nods and pays attention to my fingers, his eyes follow every movement.

"You can have your own too," I say.


"Your songcord," he looks surprised.

"Yeah, really. When we go back to the forest and we make a ceremony for you to finally join our people, you could start your own," I say.

He doesn't say anything, his hands go to the dogtags that are always around his neck.

"I guess this were kind of my songcord before, the army... me being a soldier, I gave everything to be good," he says.

"Well you're different now, we live in a different world, when you join our clan you can have a different songcord," I say.

His mouth curves up in a soft smile.

"That could be nice," he says and I nod.

He stays there looking at me as I continue with my work and then take my songcord to add it all.

When I finish I tie it again to my loincloth, my eyes look up and Miles is looking at me.

"What?" I ask in a shy tone.

"Nothing, you're just pretty," He says. "Very pretty,"

"Thanks," I say and give him a kiss.

"Hey um, what did Jake wanted to talk about?"

Miles looks around, there's not too many people around here, everyone is still at their pods or out fishing.

"Do you want to fly somewhere else?" He proposes. I guess we won't go that far but... it could be nice.

"Okay, let's go," I respond.

He takes my hand and we go find his Ikran.

We take a short trip just somewhere behind the village we are now, with a small beach and mountains.

"So...?" I ask once we're settled here.

"Well, we discussed many things. We talked about General Ardmore and some of her plans, we also discussed Spider... he will talk to Norm and his friends and they're change the mask. We will probably have to fly away and leave it somewhere, hoping that it will buy us some time," He lets it all out.

I don't know on what to focus first.

"And where will you go?"

"We can't move the mask like out of nowhere and we can't go that far. We still have to discuss with Tonowari where the best place to leave it would be,"

I nod slowly taking it all in.

"So he wasn't mean to you?" I ask standing next to him.

Miles laughs.

"Nah, even now me being younger, Sully still remembers what ranking lower than someone is," I don't really get what he is talking about.

"He respects me, even uf just a little, that little respect is enough for us to make a good job for all of you," he says.

"I'm glad,"

"I guess I can say the same," he murmurs.

"We can... take advantage that we're here now... explore a little and then go back at night," I propose after a while.

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