Chapter 14: whos better for me..?

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And aparently it paid off.

When the boss came by to check on my work, he noticed I had downloaded the coding program, and opened the site. He looked at my small code and was fascinated on how I had learned everything so fast.

I was immediately promoted.

I got moved up to the other coders. I got informed of the games and ideas that we were supost to make, and I got to work.

I found a love for it

I helped create multiple games and websites, being admired for all my amazing work and ideals. And not to mention, I made some good money. Enought that I could pay rent at the fancy apartment that nightmare lived in, and enough to still have some more money for more knitting suplies.

And it helped me somewhat mentally.

Now font get me wrong. I am by no needs mentally safe.

I'm only really happy when I'm around night and the crew. But when I'm alone, I'm the same as once i was.

But due to the fact that i was at least able to be happy for once, made me look at things differently.

Such as myself.

I looked wore down and tired. My cloths where baggy and looked dirty. I suddenly somewhat cared about what I looked like, and definitely didnt want to look like a homeless guy.

I walked the city and stopped by clothing shops, looking for a shop that actually had some good looking cloths that piled fit me.

I eventually stumbled across a small shop. I could hear music playing inside and the interior looked nice. The window revealed some monotone and dark clothing. Some things where very nice, while others where simple lounge cloths that actually fit my kind of style. I walked in and looked around. The walls where a dark grey with the exception of a brick wall. Shirts and pants/skirts where hung on the wall for visual insights on what type of cloths they had. The sold all types of cloths, and almost every type of accessory. I found tons of cloths I loved.

The only worker at the time, who I figured out owned the small shop, introduced himself.

He said his name was reaper.

It sounded familiar for some reason.. but I shook it off.

I explained how I had just moved into town a few months ago, and that I was feeling a little better mentally, and that I wanted to focus on myself. Obviously I didnt go into detail. I'm not comfortable talking about my emotions to my family, let alone a random stranger.

He was happy to help me buy and loom for cloths, and he seemed pretty nice. I knew that i would get almost all my cloths from this place, and I had a feeling he knew it too.

I got tons of new cloths and found a live for personal fashion. Of course I wasnt one of those overboard fashionistas that focused on looking great, even if I was just going to the dollar store, but I still cared.

I wore more designed cloths and I wore more accessories with my cloths. I focused on dark colors and layers, and wore more dressy stuff. Compared to my usual t-shirt, sweatpants, and jacket.

Over time I became closer with everyone.

Nightmare, killer, horror, dust, blue, and even reaper.

I figured out some of their interests.

Nightmare was indeed a workaholic. He worked from home in his office, and constantly was on the phone with coworkers. He was the manager of a large company that him and his brother owned. Although dream owned the company, nightmare did almost all the work. Dream keeps his workers motivated at the office, and helps them with anything their struggling with, while nightmare stays home and focuses on the paperwork, paychecks, and company fees. He doesn't really let anyone, even dream, help. Seeming how he doesnt really trust anyone, because he likes to rely on himself instead of others. Even if dream owns the company.. the company is relatively small, so their not like.. stupid rich. But its still big enought to make nightmare go without sleeping some nights due to so many papers, calls, and conferences. This causes him to basically live off of black coffee.

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