Level 0

842 17 20

Note: The Backrooms will have some minor changes in my story.
SpongeBob continues his journey to find Squidward into the mysterious building as he starts calling out to him.

"Squidward, where are you buddy?!"

As SpongeBob continues walking around, he notices that the lights were turned off in a nearby room. SpongeBob walks towards there and sees nothing else than just the dark room.

"Huh, the lights must've gone out before."

As SpongeBob turns around, he catches a glimpse of a figure retreating to the corner at the end of the hallway.


SpongeBob just shrugs as he assumes it was his imagination and continues walking. He soon comes across another room with two holes on each side with the right on having a ladder. Wondering where it'll lead too, SpongeBob climbs up the ladder and through the hole sees that it leads into another part of the mysterious building, but with green lightning this time and climbs out of the hole. In front of of him was a nearly closed off space as SpongeBob goes up to it and can see through the tiny space.

"Now how am I suppose to get through that space-oh wait, I'm a sponge, I can just do this."

SpongeBob slithers through the tiny space with ease as he continues walking.

"Hello, anybody here?! Tar tar sauce, if this place looks abandoned, then why are some of the lights still working?"

As SpongeBob continues walking, he sees some writing on the wall saying 'Don't look into it's eyes. Do not move".

"Don't look into it's eyes and don't move? Don't move to what?"

SpongeBob started to feel a bit of dread as he suddenly feels that he's not alone right now. As SpongeBob turns around, a shadowy figure comes out of a corner of the room and roars at him.

 As SpongeBob turns around, a shadowy figure comes out of a corner of the room and roars at him

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

Entity: Bacteria
Type: Enemy


SpongeBob runs away in fear as the bacteria starts giving him chase. SpongeBob runs through the halls as the entity continues to chase him. SpongeBob enters and run through another area with polls around as the bacteria is right behind. He soon exits the area as he turns to the left and encounters a dead end.

"Oh no, dead end!"

The bacteria soon catches up to SpongeBob as it corners him as SpongeBob slowly backs up in fright. But then, he steps on something as SpongeBob looks down and sees that it was a Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy comic book. As SpongeBob looks at it, he realizes that he can't be scared and needs to fight back.

"What am I thinking, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy wouldn't run away from evil, they would fight head on!"

SpongeBob gets out his karate gloves and comes at the bacteria, shocking it as SpongeBob leaps in the air and karate chops it in the face, knocking it down. He then starts launching karate moves at the bacteria as it was soon beaten to the ground unconscious.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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