Ch.16 The Truth

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I could feel the tension coming off of the both of us. We are finally alone and don't have to worry about others interrupting us. 

What is holding us back?

"Why do it feel like we're both afraid?" I ask.

He chuckles and pulls me closer to him. Our lips inches away from each other.

"Probably because every time we try to share a special moment, we are always interrupted," he says.

My breathing begins to fall heavy but not POTS heavy. He continues to caress my face making it harder and harder not to lean into him and kiss him.

"Why am I afraid to kiss you?" I ask in more of a hushed tone.

He brushes his nose against mine then stares into my eyes.

"Because you are afraid of where it'll lead. I will not let anything go further than just kissing if that's what you want babe. I want you to be comfortable" he says.

That is what I want. I don't want to have sex with him just yet. But I want to kiss him. I wanna share our special moment.

"I just wanna kiss you, I don't think I'm ready for anything else yet" I tell him.

He nods and pulls me in.

Our lips finally touch and holy shit, they are unbelievably soft. He's so gentle with it as well. He pulls me closer into him as the kiss deepens slightly. He grips my lower back tightly as I wrap an arm around his neck. I slide my other hand around his cheek. I run my fingers through hair, earning a slight groan from him. I giggle against his lips. He smiles and kisses me harder.

I didn't want to let go, and it seemed like neither did he. He rolls us over so he's on top. He pulls away and looks deep into my eyes.

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my entire life" he says.

I blush hard. He kisses my forehead, then cheek, then nose, then my lips once again. He lays a hand around my waist and begins to slide it down to my thigh. I immediately grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Wait wait wait" I say.

He pulls away immediately. I let go of his hand and he sat up.

"I'm so sorry. Did I do something wrong?" he asks.

I take a deep breath and grab his hand softly. There's only really been one person I've let touch my thighs since I was raped by my first love. It was Aiden. They are my most sensitive area and I jump every time someone goes to touch them.

He looks at me very confused as I take his hand and carefully lay it on my thigh. I tense up at first until he rubs it with his thumb.

"Did I hurt you?" he asks.

I shake my head as I take another deep breath. I feel tears hit my cheeks. He takes his other hand and wipes my tears away.

"It's okay babygirl. I'm so sorry. I didn't know" he says.

I pull him into me and fall back onto the bed, holding him. He holds me tightly and buries his head into my neck.

"I'm so sorry" he repeats.

I run my fingers through his hair. I didn't mean to scare him and now I feel horrible about it.

We arrived at my mom's about 15 minutes ago. She's currently cooking while I show Noah around the house. Taylor and Jolly decided to rest for the rest of the day at the hotel. My sister isn't home yet for her to meet Noah.

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