Ch.7 Date

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Taylor stayed with me all night and Noah ended up facetiming me. He told me what all he said to Aiden. Aiden was quiet when he came back into the room. He ended up leaving at around 11ish due to Edith being the one taking him home.

I'm finally back at my dorm and I'm super mentally and physically drained. I'm currently waiting to hear back from Noah. They had to go get something to eat. He told me he was going to come to the dorm and chill with me for our date and even bring me some food.

It's currently 11am. Aiden has been texting me to make sure that I'm okay and wanting to come over. He doesn't seem to realize that I have not forgiven him or gotten over what he put me through.

"What time is he coming over?" Taylor comes into the room asking from the bathroom.

I shrug my shoulders.

"He said between 11:30-12. They are currently out to lunch. Not sure if he's going to eat there though" I say.

I hop off of my bed and go to our mini fridge. There's then a knock at our door. We both look at each other, confused. I open the door to see my favorite tattooed hottie standing in front of me with food.

"Hello sweetheart" he says.

I giggle and let him into the room. Taylor smiles.

"Welcome to our shitty little dorm room" Taylor says.

He chuckles as we hop onto my bed. He opens the food and pulls out some forks.

"What a gentleman" I say.

He laughs at that. There's another knock at the door. Taylor and I look at each other than at Noah.

"Were you expecting anyone else?" he asks.

I shake my head and answer the door. It's fucking Aiden.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to make sure you were okay. And I was wondering if I could take you to lunch" he says.

I open the door fully to show Noah sitting on my bed stuffing his face with food. He waves, causing me to smile.

"What is he doing here?" Aiden asks.

Noah swallows his food.

"I brought her food and came to check up on her" Noah says.

Aiden scoffs and looks at me.

"Seems like you're busy. Talk to you later I guess" he says then leaves.

I roll my eyes and close the door. I walk back over to my bed and sit down. Taylor goes into the bathroom. Noah lays a hand softly on mine on the bed.

"You okay love?" he asks.

I shake my head.

"I wanna be able to move on but I still feel love for him" I say.

He sighs.

"I know. I can go if you'd like" he says.

I furrow my eyebrows.

"What? No. I want you here. I wanna spend time with you before you leave" I say.

He squeezes my hand.

"I just don't want you to feel like you have to move on so fast. You guys have only been broken for maybe a week and a half. It's going to be hard, but I don't wanna make you feel like I'm pushing you to move on" Noah explains.

I look down.

"I like you AJ. Like a lot already. It's only been three days and I know I have feelings for you."

And I knew that. I'm just worried about Noah moving on and me losing the chance to have a relationship with him.

"What's going through your head, love?" he asks.

I sigh and lean into him. He holds my head on his chest.

"I wanna explore whatever this is between us but I'm afraid of it being too late by time I figure it out" I explain.

He chuckles.

"Honey, I'm not going anywhere, I promise you that much" he says.

I pull my head up to look at him and his eyes soften. He lays on hand to caress my face. He runs his thumb lightly against my cheek, causing a warm feeling to arrive in my cheeks.

"You are bright red right now, love" he says.

I feel myself get even more red as I go to look away. He pulls my face back to look at him. Both of our eyes dart from the eyes to the lips, just begging for them to unite.

"Do you wanna kiss me as badly as I wanna kiss you?" I blurt out.

He chuckles and nods. I bite my lip to keep myself from going in for the kiss. He moves his hand to lightly drag his thumb down my bottom lip, releasing it from my teeth.

Taylor comes out, startling us both. We both pulled away quickly.

"Woah I'm sorry. Did I just interrupt something?" she asks.

Noah chuckles and takes one last bite of his food.

"I have to run. Keep the rest of the food. I'll see you this coming up Friday" he says.

I blush and nod. He leans in and kisses my cheek before setting an envelope on my lap. He pulls away and hops off my bed. He blows me a kiss then walks out of my door.

Holy shit, the butterflies that I feel for this man are so unreal. I think I have feelings for him.


I know that I'm falling for this girl but fuck I didn't realize it was this bad. She makes me feel like a better version of myself and I love that about her. She's perfect. She's beautiful. She's kind and caring. She's sick yes but she's learned to deal with her chronic illness, and I love that about her.

"Noah?" Jolly says.

I snap out of it as we head down to Charleston.

"What happened?" I ask.

The boys all laugh, and I look down at my phone. I had made her my wallpaper. I then see a message from her come in.

AJ💕🫶🏼: Hey handsome. I just wanted to say travel safe. I can't wait to see you again this coming weekend. I'm so blessed to have you come into my life. I wanna explore this with you and I'll give the world to get to know you more. Have fun and be safe ❤️.

I smile and begin typing back.

Me: Hey gorgeous. I'm already missing your beautiful voice and gorgeous face. I wish I could've stayed a lot longer, but I knew that I couldn't. I can't wait to see you and to see where this journey takes us. I have fallen for you so hard, and I will never apologize for that ❤️.

I put my phone into my pocket and smiled huge to myself.

"You like her a lot, don't you?" Nicholas asks.

I chuckle and look up.

"God y'all have no fucking clue. I have never felt this way about no one man" I say. "Like I wanna get to know everything about her. I wanna make sure I know everything that I can about her condition. I wanna kiss her and hold her. God, I like her so much. I want this to happen. I don't care about the long distance. I don't care that I won't see her again for a long while. I just want..."

Her 💕

Song: The Grey by Bad Omens

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