Eleventh Memory

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I've been away from the shared flat for three days, I had went to visit my family for a weekend and it was great. I had fun and I told them everything new I've learned by living almost alone.

Louis texts me throughout the day, he calls at night.

His texts mostly consist of something like this:

Louis: goodmorning!!
Louis: mine isn't good because you aren't here
Louis: but good morning to you

Louis: what will you be doing today?
Louis: Zayn told me it's my turn to cook today
Louis: I didn't even know we took turns?

Louis: btw I used most of your shampoo
Louis: just miss you

Louis: at what time are you coming back?
Louis: I love you

Louis: I'm bored

And that was just the beginning of everything.

I didn't mind though, even in the form of texts or calls, everything he sent me made my heart feel happy and warm.

Sunday came around and I was leaving at the afternoon to be back at the flat early in the evening. My mum hugged me goodbye and my sister waved from the door. We were all so grown now.

The drive was quiet and peaceful. I played music, I sang along sometimes, and I just sped through the cities, wanting to be at home.

It was almost a three hour drive but I cut it to two. Safely, of course. So I got home early and I couldn't hold my excitement, I wanted to see and hug everyone.

I unlocked the door and swung it towards the wall creating an echo into the apartment. Three heads turned to me from the lounge and then smiles spread on their lips.

Zayn, Liam and Niall stood up and opened their arms. "He's here!" Niall said and hugged me first.

"Who?" Was heard from the hallway, "who's here!?"

"Harry!" I heard Louis and suddenly Niall was pushed away from me. "Harry! I missed you." Louis now hugged me.

I laughed and hugged him as tight as I could. I missed being in his arms.

"Did you guys see that? He just pushed me out, I was hugging Harry first. Not fair," Niall was mumbling in the back.

"Just give them time," Zayn said quietly.

We hugged for approximately ten minutes. The guys had gone away to do their own things, not paying attention to us hugging in the middle of the flat.

"Oh! I have something for you, come!" Louis said and motioned for the bedroom.

"When will Harry be ours?" Niall asked and Louis narrowed his eyes. "I mean like, to hangout and catch up?" He explained.

"Later," Louis said and I followed behind him.

"Do we need headphones?" Zayn shouted.


In the bedroom, Louis closed the door behind him and I went to sit on our bed.

"So how was the weekend?" He asked me as he went to our dresser.

"It was good. Mum says she misses you as well."

"Aw, I miss her, too."

"Here," he was in front of me suddenly, holding out a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh, thank you, they're-"

"Beautiful? I know! Picked the most beautifulest for you." He smiled.

I laughed, "you haven't said that combination in a while."

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