Third Memory

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On a Friday, Louis had taken me out to eat. It was at the diner we had met for the first time ever. Well, to be more precise, the actual meeting happened in the bathroom. But we don't go back there.

He sat across from me at the rounded booth and we had already ordered our food. He was telling me about a movie he watched the night before, how he almost cried for a human. The thing with Louis is, he rarely cries for people, but if it's for animals... then yeah, he'll sob.

He's not a bad person though.

Sometimes people don't deserve our tears.

When our food came, our friends also did.

I looked at Louis surprised but he wore the same expression as me.

"Hey lads,"
Liam was the first to say something while he sat next to Louis, making him scoot a bit to the left so Zayn would also fit. Niall sat next to me and now I'm between Louis and the blonde.

"Oh can I have a fry?" Niall asked beside me but he took one either ways without me answering.

"Hi?" Louis finally spoke up.

"Hi." The three friends said in union.

"No, like, what are you guys doing here?" Louis asked. "No offence." He added later.

"We saw you outside and decided to join." Zayn answered.

"Yeah. Don't mind us, continue your beautiful date." Niall smiled.

I put all of my questions to the back of my head and started eating my food. Or Niall would have munched on it all before I blinked an eye.

Louis did the same and for a while, the table was fairly quiet. Our friends had a small conversation to each other but me and Louis didn't and were just watching them.

Our friends ordered afterwards and their food arrived twenty minutes later.

"Hey Louis," Zayn started, "do you remember that time you wanted me to draw something on your arse?"

Louis choked on his food.

"Yeah, if I remember, I think it was a penguin? With headphones! Can't forget the headphones." Zayn smiled and Niall laughed.

"That's sick!" Niall commented.

"Zayn why did you have to bring that up?" Louis whispered.

"I just remembered."

Louis shook his head. I smiled with amusement. That smile soon faded when Niall spoke: "what about that time you dressed like your usual self to a Halloween gathering and people kept guessing what you were dressed as."

"Niall! I told you to never mention that again." I replied with a pout.

"Aw that's sad." Louis said.

"Why didn't you dress up for a Halloween party?" Liam questioned.

"It was a last minute invite and I was forced to go by my mum."

They all hummed.

"Oh, what about when Louis cheated on a test and copied down the name of the person he cheated from on his paper." Liam added.

"Liam!" Louis kicked his leg under the table.

Zayn laughed. "And what happened after?"

"Well everyone found out and then the teacher made fun of me for it until the year ended." Louis answered lowly. "I had to retake the test though."

"And that time you actually wrote your name?" Niall wondered, a laugh hidden behind his lips.

"Yes, Niall, I wrote my name that time."

The blonde let his laugh escape.

"But do you guys remember when the school had a meeting and the room was so full and we had to sit at the front because we got there a bit late?" Niall started and everyone nodded except for me. "And when Harry went to sit, his chair broke! Everyone went silent and he had to stand there in front of everyone waiting for someone to give him another chair."

"That was the worst day of my life." I murmured.

"Really? I had a good laugh that day." Louis said and I pinched his arm.

"Or that time Louis was telling me he clogged someone's toilet and then afterwards we realised someone else was also in earshot." Zayn added.

"Zayn! That was a secret!" Louis whispered.

"Yeah, a secret between me and a random girl. Now it's a secret between me, the random girl and the lads."

"But did you tell the person you clogged their toilet?" Liam questioned.


Niall laughed, "now that's mean."

Then Liam pointed towards me, "hey what about when Harry congratulated a woman for being pregnant and it turned out that she wasn't even pregnant to begin with."

Zayn laughed. "Oh yeah I remember that day."

"Harry cried. I was there." Niall commented.

"I think I was laughing during that. I don't remember much." Louis added.

"I have a sort-of-recent story to tell." Zayn smiled.

"Say it, say it." Niall leaned forward.

"When I was in Louis' room, I found this loose paper and I really didn't mean to but I turned it around and all I saw was Harry's name written all over it and then the word beautiful as well. I think I saw a few hearts there too but they looked weird so I'm not sure if the idea was hearts."

"Aw that's cute." Niall smiled.

"Thanks for criticising my hearts, Zayn." Louis glared at him.

"Ah! So they were hearts." Zayn and Liam laughed.

I had leaned closer to Louis and whispered in his ear, "thanks for the compliment."

Louis blushed and nodded.

They continued spilling stories about us. That time Louis pretended to know about a sport and then someone kept asking him questions about it. He had to fake an excuse and leave. And then that time I accidentally farted when the class was quiet.

Although the stories were embarrassing, it was still nice to hear back into them.

We spent three hours approximately in that diner. And I wasn't entirely mad that our friends crashed our date. We all had a good time.

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