Ninth Memory

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Here we're dressed as the grinch. The both of us.

We're about two weeks into December and had thought of dressing as the grinch and go take pictures with Santa.

Fun isn't it?

"How do I look?" Louis asked me and turned around. All I saw was green and tried to keep in a laugh.

"You look just like me." I replied because truthfully, we were dressed the same.

He laughed and tried to slap me but he couldn't quite reach. I laughed about that.

"Promise that if I trip while in this costume, you'll pretend to trip as well?"

"Why would I do that," I questioned.

"So it's not just me on the floor," he told me like it's the obvious.

I thought about it. "I don't know, it all depends whether I remember, I might end up laughing at you."



"Alright, let's go." He said and we waddled over to the door.

Going down the stairs was terrifying. I couldn't really see where I was stepping and I could only see the top of Louis' costume so I wasn't sure if he was close to me or not. Well... until I bumped into him and then we were both stumbling down the stairs with groans.

"That's a new sight," I heard my mums voice say, "grinch, is it?"

Louis and I were spread out on the floor and then I started laughing.

"Harry! Can't you have patience, I was obviously in front of you, why did you bump into me?"

"I thought there was a bit of space between us!"

Louis sighed and helped me up anyways.
"Hi Anne, how do we look?" Louis stood next to me.

"The same," she answered and I chuckled.

"We're going to the mall, do you want a copy of the picture?" Louis said as he walked towards the door.

"Please, thank you. Have fun you two!"

In the car, there was a situation.

"So who's driving?" Louis asked.

"Does it even matter? We can't drive with the costume on," I said.

"We'll try."

"Louis, that's dangerous."

"Even more fun."

I stared at him.

"Alright, alright, we'll take the heads off."

So he drove to the mall with just the body part on and when we got there, we quickly put on the head.

"Ready?" He asked and took my hand.


We walked over to the entrance holding hands, looking like the happiest grinch couple.

I didn't even know what was our plan. Be a happy grinch or be a scary grinch?

It turns out we were being both.

Every time Louis saw a kid, he'd let go of my hand and make grabby hands at the child with heavy stomps. The kid would usually turn around and quickly catch up with their guardian. I always heard Louis laugh afterwards.

It continued like that, us switching to who will be the next to scare a child, until we made it to where Santa is.

It should have been awkward waiting at the line, but it wasn't. All of the kids turned around to stare at us and Louis didn't waste any time in entertaining them. He didn't scare them off in case one of them actually got terrified.

Some of them even asked for pictures. Some asked us questions. Some simply stared.

We finally met Santa though. We sat on either side of the armchair after hearing the guy chuckle about our costumes. Then the picture was taken.

Louis pretended to steal one of the decoration presents afterwards and then ran off after noticing the workers giving him a serious expression.

Running off meant he was bound to trip... so he did. Face planted onto the floor like a cartoon character.

I stopped in my tracks, just a few feet behind him and started laughing so hard. I had to bend over because I just couldn't stop laughing.

With teary eyes I noticed Louis flipping me from the floor and I laughed even more after that.

When he sat up is when I finally made my way over to him, trying to contain my laughter.

"Enjoyed the show? Arsehole," Louis said.

"I told you it was gonna happen, didn't I?"

"I didn't know you were gonna die of laughter."

"Me neither but the sight was hilarious."

He kicked me.

I helped him up, "sorry, I promise the next time you trip, I'll fall with you."

"I'm not gonna believe the promise just yet."


So then we went to get food upstairs and to make Louis feel better, I pretended to trip in front of everyone and made quite a show about it. I over-exaggerated my scream, I made sure I fell hard onto the floor and I heard the whole room go silent, feeling stares coming from everywhere.

Louis gasped behind me and I noticed he was covering his mouth, which wasn't his, it was the grinch.

Then everything went back to normal while I was still on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I heard a random voice say.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Thank you," I replied and started sitting up.

"Now that... that was one hell of a fall," Louis finally said when he pulled me up.

"Now we're even."

"Hey! I forgot to laugh!" Louis then said.

"Too late for that now."

"I was actually worried, are you sure you're okay?" He tried taking off the head part.

"I'm okay!" I shooed away his hands and he laughed.


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