Seventh Memory

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I was dressed in my yellow trunks and wore a white tank top that was oversized on my body. I had a bag on my shoulder and I was waiting impatiently by the door for the sound of a honk.

My mum was in the kitchen sipping on coffee and she kept giggling to herself so I finally asked what was so funny.

"Why are you just standing there? You could wait in your room or do something, I'll tell you when they get here."

"I'm just excited and I think they're close anyways."

She let the topic go but she was still giving me a look I didn't want to understand. Mums and their language of eyes. I'll probably never get it.

Then I finally heard the sound of a honk. Which I jumped from but ended up ignoring as I opened the door and my mum shouted a goodbye and be safe.

Louis was driving the car and I noticed they left the passenger seat empty for me. Zayn, Liam and Niall were all squished together in the back of the car with Niall in the middle. I laughed and made my way inside the car.

"Welcome Harry," the lads in the back greeted.


Louis patted my thigh twice before he went back to focus on the road. They were listening to a new boyband and I was still new to the songs so I couldn't exactly sing along with them but I joined every now and then with some lyrics.

Then Niall took hold of the music and Starships started playing. Liam groaned and Louis laughed.

"One, two, one, two, three! LETS GO TO THE BEACH - EACH, LETS GO GET AWAY!" Niall screamed the lyrics and Louis was quick to catch on with him.

After that, nobody hesitated in singing along with Niall and Louis. We ended up laughing most of the time. Then next up came It Wasn't Me. And then some Katy Perry songs. Then switched to 50 Cent.

Then we finally arrived at the beach.

Liam and Zayn took care of the stuff in the trunk, Louis pretended to be busy inside the car to not carry anything, Niall was already walking in the sand holding nothing and wearing dark shades, so I reached out to help Zayn and Liam.

After a while of us three struggling, we made it to a spot Niall had found. Then a few minutes later Louis found us saying: "oh you lads left me over there, carried everything?" And Zayn responded: "don't act like an idiot." With a roll of his eyes.

We chilled at the spot for a bit until we started taking off our tank tops and decided to go for a swim. Niall had ran off without waiting for anyone while Zayn was asking Liam if he could put sunscreen on his back.

I turned to Louis and held out the sunscreen, "put it on my back?"

He smiled and took it, "then put it on mine."

I felt the cold cream rub on the skin of my back, circles, up and down, side to side. Then up to my shoulders, my neck, the top of my chest that he could reach from behind. I turned around and he added more on my chest, my stomach, my sides (which made me giggle). He put some on my arms and then bent down to rub some on my thighs and legs.

I felt very touched.

At last, I was protected. I laughed and took the sunscreen and he turned around so I poured some on his back. I felt his muscles relaxing under my touch. I mimicked everything he did to me. Making sure to get any inch of skin I can reach.

Then I put some on his face and he kept giggling while we locked eyes. After, he did the same to me apologising for forgetting to protect my precious face. I laughed at that and stole a kiss from him.

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