Sixth Memory

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On our six month anniversary, our families went together for camping. When we had arrived, I noticed Louis acting distracted by looking at flowers or pretending to look for something. I laughed and walked over to him.

"Are you pretending to be busy to not help?"

He turned around to me, "no! What gives you that impression?"

"Everything you are doing gives me that impression." I leaned closer to him and smiled, "come on, let's explore around."

He smiled. "And we won't get lost?"

"Just make sure you don't forget our way back."

We held hands while we walked around large trees. The air was dry but every now and then you'd feel a small breeze. The grass was covered in fallen leaves and many tree branches were scattered on the ground.

Louis kept some conversation going about a new song he likes and how he has been listening to it for the past two hours. I just smiled knowing in two weeks, at most, he'll most likely be sick of it.

The trees came to an end and we stood in an open area.

"No wonder my legs feel numb. We were walking up a hill." Louis exhaled, catching his breath.

We had come to the end of the mountain, knowing if we stood by the edge, we'd see the ground about 100 feet below us.

The grass here was greener and had a more softer texture than the one surrounded by large trees. I sat down and pulled on Louis' trousers so he'd do the same.

"The air here is colder," Louis commented.

"Is it uncomfortable?" I asked, maybe he didn't want to chill here.

"No, it's refreshing at the moment."

We smiled to each other and let the air run through our bodies. We sat there quiet for a moment, letting our minds reset.

After a while, I laid down and Louis did the same. Our shoulders touching and hands next to each other. I think we held our pinkies together.

"Look at that cloud," I pointed with my other arm, "it looks like a turtle."

Louis chuckled beside me, "what about that one? It looks like a skull."

I giggled, "that's so cool. The coolest cloud in the sky."

"Look, then there's a dog cloud." Louis pointed more to the left.

"Oh and there's a hand over there," I said.

We spent thirty minutes shaping the clouds and enjoying each others presence. I don't remember at which point it started but then Louis started kissing me and then he ended up on top of me. The sun was right behind him and I swore I was in love with an angel.

His eyes were so blue and his lips were rosy. We were both blushing and couldn't stop smiling. And every time I wanted to say something, he'd kiss me again and I'd forget my words.

"I think," he kissed me, "you're the," he kissed me again, "prettiest boy," he kissed me again, "I know." And he kissed me with a smile.

My heart felt like exploding and I really hoped he was feeling something similar. There was no way this was just like. I knew for sure that I was feeling love.

He leaned away a bit, our lips still brushing slightly, "if I'm the prettiest, you're the most beautifulest."

I laughed. "Isn't the correct way 'most beautiful'?"

"This isn't grammar class, love, and I combined two words: most beautiful and beautifulest, so, you're all kinds of beautiful."

And I didn't respond because I simply didn't know how. But he kissed me again so, I felt okay.

Then I started sitting up because if I didn't, we'd just spend the whole day kissing and I knew our families were wondering where we were. He pouted and said, "do we have to?" I nodded.

When we got back to the camp area, our mums just smiled at us and didn't ask where we were. We all just sat around to eat and spend time with each other.

As the night grew, each one went to their own tents, Louis and I shared one.

"Do you wanna leave the cover off?" Louis asked.

There was a cover at the top of the tent that went over the transparent ceiling of the tent.
"Yeah, sure, leave it off."

Then we settled inside next to each other. We had a decent sized air bed and about three blankets. We laid in the middle, so close to each other that I know it's confusing considering we had a whole bed.

We could see the stars from inside the tent because of the clear roof. It was exciting.

We laid there, not saying a word, just looking at the stars together and hoping our eyes would soon get tired. But maybe it was just me but looking at stars never bored me. I was wide awake.

"I learned something in sign language." He mentioned after a while.

I looked at him and smiled, "what did you learn?"

He sat up and faced me, he pointed a finger to himself, then put both of his palms over his heart and then pointed at me.

I smiled and felt my cheeks redden. I still asked, "what does it mean?"

"I love you."

I think I smiled even more after he said that. But then I lunched forward and kissed him.

"Well," I said and then mimicked what he had done earlier. I pointed a finger towards my body, put both of my palms over my heart and then pointed at him.

He chuckled and kissed me again.

"I love you, too," I still whispered in his ear when we hugged after our kiss.

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