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Hello reader! First of all, it's an honour you chose to click on my story. It would mean the world to me if you stuck around until the very end of this journey, as we explore another reality and face new creatures, such as faeries and pixies and evil mothers. A classic genre, with a twist, if you might like.

I should note from the very start, there will be mention of depression, thoughts about suicide, and struggles with body image. If this makes you uncomfortable, do not proceed. I would rather lose a few reads than put you through it if it is triggering to you. But of course, it's not all gloomy, our protagonist will face her fears and come out stronger. And so will you, if you are struggling. Please don't be afraid to reach out to me privately if you ever need anyone to talk to. I might not reply right away but you are not alone or ignored!

With that being said, enjoy the story and join me on this ride.

Chasmحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن