Art of Cats (p1?)

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As said I'm putting drawings down, from the latest pieces to earliest. And that means good ones  first. Depending on feedback I might do this again. Or no feedback and I do it anyway. (Things used for art is Notepad and IbisPaintX. All-black background is notepad and other is ibis)

 First one is Dustflight, brown tortie she-cat with amber eyes, resident of Starclan. I was gonna put her kits here too but I'll do that later

 I was gonna put her kits here too but I'll do that later

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Next up is Lichen, orange tabby tom with yellow eyes,  general of Wingclan. I'd like to elaborate more on how his personality completely shifts from a gentle friendly (not pacifist entirely) type to, well, this. Actions speak louder than words for this situation, so it might go like this excerpt I might use in story, or a AU of my AU heh(under pic):

 Actions speak louder than words for this situation, so it might go like this excerpt I might use in story, or a AU of my AU heh(under pic):

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    [Peachfall noticed the cat Breeze called as Lichen walk calmly down from the rock as screeches of battle forms around them. He has his sights fixed straight ahead, staring her down. Yet Peachfall could not feel hostility in those eyes. "Hi!" The tom spoke. His friendliness caught Peachfall off guard, and as she looked around she realized every other Wingclan cat is already in a brawl while this one is slowly walking towards her, and only her. "My name is Lichen. You are the one Breeze was interested in, right? I will be your opponent on your last day alive. Isn't that exciting.." Lichen's tone slowly changed in a way that made Peachfall back away a pawstep without her telling her body to. 'No, stay focused' she thought to herself. 'Don't let it scare you'. Lichen stopped a fox-length in front of Peachfall and closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again. These new eyes d thrust a sharp spear of fear into Peachfall. She faintly heard in the fight next to her, between Pollennose and a black Wingclan cat, a murmur of "here we go..." and then that battle shifted away from Peachfall's worries. Lichen spoke in a, confident, and bloodthirsty tone. "Are you ready?" was all he said, then he leapt at Peachfall with eyes blazing and claws unsheathed.]

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