Loners and Rouges

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Starclan or story first? Cuz I dunno. Also I didn't expect this to take so long to make. My bad




Recently arrived and settled near the clan territories, half by the twoleg place and half by the start of Dappleclan territory (thunderclan side).

Tulip- short haired blue gray she-cat with green eyes. Travels with her brother Marsh. Likes eating mice and fish, great fighter and protects Marsh from other cats. Older sister.

Marsh- short haired gray tom with green eyes. Travels with his sister Tulip. Likes eating mice and birds. He's a bit of a wimp. Wishes he could protect himself and not need Tulip to help him. Younger brother.




These rouges are causing all sorts of trouble in the clans, as well as terrorizing Tulip and Marsh by stealing their prey. Previously known as The Glaring of Free Wings, they call themselves Wingclan, as they feel like they are free as a bird. (And they like how saying clan at the end of it sounds, after meeting the clan cats)


Breeze- short haired white tom with gray speckles and brown eyes. Calm and organizes the group. Collected yet unpredictable. Is a mediocre fighter, but uses his brain more than brawn. Formally a loner, but has always traveled in at least a small group.



(deputy, leads most expeditions)

Lichen- medium haired ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes. Breeze's close friend, has been traveling with him for many moons. Hates seeing too much blood(for some reason) but stuffs it up so he can finish the fights that he starts. Gets teased about his little phobia all the time. When he does get over it, however, he becomes the most violent and maybe even heartless cat in Wingclan. Formally a very bored kittypet named Erick.



(Cat/s that deal with injuries or sickness)-

Hearth- short haired cream tabby she-cat with golden eyes. Was abused by her rich twolegs and ran away to where she met Breeze and the rest of Wingclan. Formally known as Trixie, she feels like she finally fits in with the group. Irritated when the clan gets hurt literally all the time but expertly heals them anyway.




Thread- short haired gray tabby tom with thin stripes and light green eyes. Backbone of the Fighters, holds ground in battle. Refuses to give up in a fight. Formally a loner.                        Novice: Splash

Moon- long haired two colored gray and white she-cat with blue eyes. On the frontlines, gets aggressive and good at fighting but gets cocky. Formally a loner.                                                     Novice: Wasp

Cliff- short haired black tom with brown eyes. On the frontlines, timid but is a completely different cat in battle. Has a unique fighting style, incorporating steep terrain as a favorite fighting area, therefore earning the name "Cliff". Formally a kittypet named Muffin. Novice:Heron

Beaver- large short haired brown tom with white splotches and green eyes. On the backlines, with Thread, but doesn't get as much appreciation as him for it. Has a higher value of honor than the other Wingclan cats. Formally a loner. Doesn't like their new plan to fight-or destroy- the forest clan cats...




How apprentices work here is when the said cat is talented enough to defeat a fighter in a "friendly" battle, they can become an official fighter. Friendly as in no cat will die but mayyybe you get a few scars. Hearth doesn't like that so be "gentle"...

Heron- sleek and short haired white she-cat with amber eyes. Fiery and feisty, but favors hunting more than fighting. Gets distracted in battle, but sometimes uses that to her advantage by using the terrain like her mentor Cliff. 14 moons old.

Splash- medium haired blue-gray tom with a dark colored tail and blue eyes. Reserved and understanding, but he shows no compassion to anything that hurts his friends. Training to be a backliner under Thread. 12 moons old.

Wasp- light gray hairless tom with copper eyes. Extremely mobile and an up-and-coming fighter among Wingclan. Likes doing hit and run blows to his opponent's throat, so Splash is concerned he will kill the cat that would be his assessment partner (chosen by the general). 9 moons old.


Clan cats?


Probably obvious enough already, but yea there are traitors to the forest clans. Gee I wonder who?

Littlemouse(Mouse)- learning the skills of Wingclan and will fight against her birth home. Brought Weaselpaw to them, and is recognized as one of their fiercest fighters. From Berryclan

Volepounce(Pounce)- learning the skills of Wingclan blah blah from Dappleclan. Was unsure at first but now is secretly scouting out more recruits. Really only came to learn stuff and didn't fully willingly want to attack his birth clan, but stayed cuz he fell in love with Littlemouse and he wants to be by her side in his small hope she feels the same.(awwwh)

Weaselpaw(Bandit)- learning skills blah blah blah is from Berryclan brought here by Mouse and all that*. When invited to change his name he wanted something completely different from the name he was given, unlike the other two who kept part of their names as reminder to what they left behind for their new life.**

*I repeat this stuff a lot huh

** Yes even Littlemouse who eventually saw the use of keeping it


Taken in


Pine- long haired black tom with white ear tips and vibrant green eyes. A young kit that was taken into Wingclan by Hearth, who takes care of him as if he was her own. Yet Hearth is the only one who actually cares about him, and mostly all the other cats force him to "pull his weight" even though he is just a kit, so Pine doesn't really have much self esteem at his young age and wishes he could do more to be accepted. All the cats except Hearth, Splash, Heron, Beaver and Breeze hate him for taking up space. 3 moons old.


Rambling yayyy

Skip if ya wannaaaa

So as mentioned this took way too long, but I mean I'm making all this up from scratch so that's the excuse I'm giving my brain.

I totally had more things to say but I'd be repeating a lot of what I've already said before so here: should I start on story that will take forever or another list thing but it's Starclan? Don't mean to force anything but I am totally indecisive oof.(edit: if I'm still indecisive I'll probably try to work on both at once.)

End of ramblingggg thanks for readingggggg


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