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Dapple- more-brown-than-white she cat with blue eyes

Berry- white tom with one blue eye and one yellow eye

Moss- brown tom with yellow eyes

Tree- more-white-than-brown she cat with yellow eyes

Four siblings, Dapple, Berry, Moss, and Tree, were exploring the "newly planted" forest far from their kittypet home. All of them were looking for adventure, the wilderness, and a new way of life. Dapple and Berry were the ones who took the lead on the expedition, while Moss and Tree helped them not make too many rash decisions. Skip ahead cuz I'm lazy, they settled and more cats joined their group. Eventually, the group grew so large that they had to split up. Dapple and Moss took one half the cats and divided an even territory with Berry and Tree. Moss and Tree were made the healers of the clan because of their previous experience with watching the human doctors work on patients(Berry and Dapple wouldn't sit still long enough to learn). They were the first medicine cats of the group. Berry and Dapple, with their outgoing and leader like personalities, became the first leaders of the group. 

As time went on, the four siblings started having strange dreams.  The way they recall it, the figures they saw were ghost cats that sparkle in a way that made them in awe. One night at a time, the cats of their ancestors told all of them how this thing called clan life works. The siblings were amazed! Immediately, Dapple, Berry, Moss and Tree encouraged all the cats that had settled with them to embrace this new clan idea. Almost all of them shared the same enthusiasm as their leaders! Although there were some goodbyes as a few cats had left on their own for a new place to call their own, close or far, the new clans had fully developed in their bond with starclan. 

From then on, the siblings were known as Dapplestar of Dappleclan, Berrystar of Berryclan, Mossdew of Dappleclan, and Treeleaf of Berryclan.

Generations have passed since then, and new cats are ruling Dappleclan and Berryclan.

Some other things!

The forest they are in is the old forest that, after many years since the old clans left, had been replanted by humans. Yeah we did something good for once in the cat universe :D

Dappleclan took Thunder and Windclan territory. Berryclan took River and Shadowclan territory. I think that they're next to each other? I should've studied that before returning the library book.. if I'm wrong please tell me.

Also I forgot what moss and tree's names would be so I made them up while writing this.oops

THERE ARE ONLY TWO CLANS!! I know someone will read it wrong by mistake! If you did that's ok, my friend also did that. For like 2 months. 

Many cats in these clans are based off cats that i see on my street since there are a bunch of stray cats here. Like 11 ish if you count in 40 blocks. Yes I adopted one. I can't fit any more then two at my house tho and already had one. I'm at my max qwq

I don't know how often I'll update this. Maybe when I feel inspired. 

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