Chapter 10

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You had been placed on portal with Jake they had decide to fly on their Ikrans for the day which made everything good, as ami wanted to help Jake get use to flying on his Ikran and Jake had take the chance to be alone with ami and fly with her. Jake had take his chance when he finally woke up and saw her a few feet away from him up already, he had gotten out of bed and joined her for breakfast. When he had gotten his offer he had taken it as it will give him and chance to have more alone time with her, and not have neytiro and tsutey looking like they wanted to kill hi.

Y/n " Jake we can land here and rest the Ikrans we have been flying for a long time"

Jake " umm sure bob let show the lady what we can do"

Y/n " ....." Ami just laughed and soon landed a few second after Jake and a few seconds later Jake had helped ami off of her Ikran.

Y/n " thank you"

Jake " anytime so why did you invite me out on portal I'm still a rookie on this"

Y/n " I thought it will be fun and help you get more experience Jake as you soon will be one of us fully"

Jake " oh okay"

Y/n " come on let do some explore we can call our ikran when we have to leave"

Jake " sure I will follow you anywhere"

Y/n " grace is right you are smooth talker Jake Sully of the year jarhead clan"

Jake " hey if you don't mind me asking but I over heard some elder ladies speaking about you become the future tshaik of the clan is that true"

Y/n " yes it fully true Mo'at had offer me the position as her and the clan elders have seen I will be perfect for the title"

Jake " but neytrio sister slywainna would of take the position if she was still alive yes"

Y/n " yes but after her death ... everything can for the clan and everyone who was in the accident was never the same either eyuthan had lost trust in the human after the death of his eldest child"

Jake " yes I can see even if grace had been offered to reopen a new school for the kids it still seems, like some of the adults don't trust the process"

Y/n " that day of the incident had changed everything and everyone one will you want to hear the story from me"

Jake " sure grace told me her story but I haven't heard your story yet"

Y/n " okay well it all start that day ....."

School accident story

Y/n " hey neytiro I thought your sister said she was coming back to school today"

Neytiro " she did but she said she might be late"

Y/n " oh okay"

Tsutey " the school has been emptied without her here she always made the day fun and it been very uneasy lately at home"

Neytrio " don't worry guys everything will be fine" everything was not going to be fine as slywannia and some young hunter had come into the school covered in war paint getting everyone attention even grace was worried.

Grace " children what happened tell me"

Slywainna " we set the metal beats on fire grace they had destroyed a clearing and didn't care but they are after us"

Neytiro "what do you mean they are after you"  in a blink of an eye chaos had rain down on everyone making all the kids panic as the RDA had attack the navi kids, ami had bene talked to the ground by tsutey.

Tsutey " stay down"

Grace " children"

Y/n " grace" grace and helped some of the kids escape the school house but harm had already been done aim had remember running outside with tsutey holding his hand and soon hiding in some brushes. They had stayed there for hours not wanting to leave they did have some of their friends with them hiding as tears ran down everyone they were all scared. The kids will be found by their fatehr who were looking for them.

Y/n " dad" ami had been picked up by her father as she broke down in tears her father holding her close thanking eywa for keeping his daughter safe from harm, but soon ami and been put down as she ran to comfort Neytiro as he mourns his sister. She held him clsoe as her friend cried with other kids who had lost their siblings that day that day was the last day of the kids being near the school house.

End of story

Y/n " after that for three months by dad or either of my brothers followed me anywhere I went"

Y/n " I miss her still today that attack as a year after the death of my mother I didn't wish to say goodbye to someone else I love and cared for"

Jake " ami I'm sorry for your lost"

Y/n " it okay Jake I see them when I go to the spirt tree and I live my life well now, but I still morn them"

Jake " you have rights to morn them ami as they were very close towards you"

Y/n " thanks Jake"

Jake " so if you do become Tsahik will you mate with neytrio"

Y/n " yes it will be either him or tsutey as he the clan mighty warrior, and the clan wishes to keep him here and I have a close relationship to both boys"

Jake " can you have both of them"

Y/n " maybe I had been advice that I can have them both but haven't acted on it"

Jake " well maybe you would find someone else to add to the love triangle"

Y/n " oh are you talking about yourself Jake because it seems like that"

Jake " maybe"

Y/n " you are funny Jake Sully but maybe I will see about the offer"

Jake " that gives me hope"

Y/n " well come on jarhead we have to get back to portal because if anyone gets words were were sitting around, and talking you are going to have deal with my family and the guys"

Jake " hey can't blame a boy for taking his chances to win a women like you heart and love"

Y/n " are all human males like you Jake sully because if they are I think pandora will be in massive trouble"

Jake " oh come on you like me don't lie"

Y/n " that my little secret now come on beauty boy"

Jake " yes ma'am" ami was hiding the truth form jake she did see him a future mate if her childhood friends didn't have the same romantic feelings she had for them. Jake soon followed after her pulling her tail making the girl look back at him and smile, as Jake was laughing. The pair soon return to their portal flying together in the sky and talking, maybe Jake was going to be the one to win over ami heart.

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