Chapter 5

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Today was a lucky day for Jake as he had been given the opportunity to spend time with you, and this was time without neytiro or Tsu'tey tagging along and glaring at him. Jake had smiled brightly when you had asked him to come exploring with him, so that you can give him some lessons and help him adapt to the forest and  the Navi way of life. You are happy as well as you got a chance to get to know Jake better as well.

Y/n " Jake do you think we can get mo'at and eyuthan to allow grace to come back here and open another school"

Jake " I don't know maybe if they hear something from you they will make up their mind"

Y/n " I hope so I wish the children to learn about the sky people, not all of you are bad"

Jake " you know grace told me you were one of her top students at her school"

Y/n " I remember her lesson... if you may know I was never supposed to be there but Neytiro older sister had invited me to come ... grace as shock to see another kid there she had allowed me to say"

Jake " who is Neytiro sister"

Y/n " her name was Sylwanin she was nice and caring the smartest one of grace students , if you want to know more about her ask neytiro and he will tell you"

Jake "  you are not like the other female na'vi of the tribe"

Y/n " what that supposed to mean"

Jake " nothing bad you are not rushing to find a warrior to marry like some of the others"

Y/n " oh yes finding a mate even my own father has been asking me about that, I don't have a answer for him I still feeling like eywa telling me to wait ... it like i'm still waiting for something to happen"

Jake " can a Na'vi have more then one mate"

Y/n " on the rare occasions yes there have been time when a Na'vi will have more then one mate, that had bene blessed on them by eywa"

Jake " that most be difficult"

Y/n " I don't know I think they are able to make it work if the other parties accept the other around their mate"

Jake " I think I understand"

Y/n " so Jake have any Omaticaya female caught your attention"

Jake " I don't know yet .... there is one lady who caught my attention"

Y/n " who"

Jake " umm well you see ....."

Y/n " you don't have to tell me"

Jake " do you think I will ever be welcome by everyone else or no"

Y/n " they will come around there are reason why we don't trust the humans that much"

Jake " will this reason be tied to grace school and other accidents that had happened"

Y/n " yes Jake there is alot I will lobe to tell you but I can't, but the only thing I can say is that the human had caused alot of damage to my home and have taken away many Na'vi from their clan mates and loved ones" you  had gotten very quite and was now looking at the view Jake had made his way over to her, and placed and comforting hand on your right shoulder.

Jake " I'm sorry if I said something wrong ami I didn't mean to make you sad"

Y/n " it okay now come on we have to get you better at falling and landing"

Jake " lead the way and I will follow"

Y/n " keep up marine"

Y/n " so you had a brother named tom"

Jake " yes she was my world we were twins, and he was killed over some money and greed"

Y/n " I'm sorry for your lost Jake"

Jake " now I'm here living my life for the both of us"

Y/n " that good I know how it feels to lose a loved one"

Y/n " umm so are you ready to get your own banshee"

Jake " yes but I'm waiting for Neytiro to tell me when it the right time, and he hasn't said anything"

Y/n " don't worry you will be learning to fly among us soon"

Warrior " why don't you go join them Tsu'tey ... Jake Sully not that bad"

Tsu'tey " I don't trust him with her he is bad new"

Warrior 2 "ami seems to like him and Neytiro is starting to respect him"

Tsu'tey " I will still keep an eyes on him sky people always bring trouble"

Later that night

Tsu'tey " y/n I know you are back there come out already"

Y/n " you caught me"

Tsu'tey " I was the one who helped you learn that move, of course I will know you are behind there"

Y/n " Tsu'tey is everything okay"

Tsu'tey " I don't trust that Jake sully he one of them"

Y/n " Tsu'tey don't let hate take over your whole life"

Tsu'tey " I don't want to forgive him or his species for what they have done to us ... you know what I mean" Tsu'tey has his reason for not like the humans everyone did, that horrible day has changed everything for the whole clan. Life hasn't been the same since the tragic day, and most of the clan had taken the day as reminder to not trust sky people fully.

Y/n " Tsu'tey" you had soon hugged Tsu'tey there was so much blame and guilty he carried on his shoulder, since the day and he had become the best warrior he could be to make sure everyone was safe and sound. He no longer wanted any harm to come to you and his family, he didn't wish to see you hurt like you were that horrible day.

Y/n " now come on we have to stop the hunters and warriors from getting, into a stupid compensation over who better" Tsu'tey soon laughed he did care for his students but there were times when they made his questions why he decided to become a teacher anyways.

Tsu'tey " sure" there were many issues and problems that everyone was carrying at they didn't want to deal with the moment. Soon moments of the past will soon be brought up sooner or later, and that will soon make everyone tell the truth about matters and come to terms that something might never be the same again.

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