9: Trial By Combat

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1079 AP (after Phoenix)
White Wolf 16th

Deiratos at the moment is sitting in his cell while talking with Ayra and Hyga.

"Has Aerris picked his champion?" Deiratos asks regretting that question immediately.

"He picked Delion, Vorne's son." Hyga replies softly.

Deiratos' body language changes completely being well aware of Delion and his skill which without doubt has made him the tribe's best fighter.

"Oh no... The human should not have gotten involved in this." Deiratos says.

"The human will be fine, you're gonna be fine." Ayra says sternly which Deiratos appreciates but it doesn't relieve him of his fears.

Lexington meanwhile is leaning against a tree awaiting to be called for the trial by combat. Kylia arrives seeing his composure.

"You don't seem all that worried." Kylia points out as she's seen Lexington fight before so it stands to reason he wouldn't be worried.

"I'm not but I'm not gonna be overconfident either, the minute you start underestimating an opponent only increases your chances for failure, what can you tell me of Delion?" Lex questions soon removing his cloak.

Kylia takes the cloak rolling it up.

"Delion is a young but skilled warrior, Elyria's father considered him a suitor for Elyria a few years ago." Kylia states as she can tell Lex is irked by this.

Before Lex could reply a horn is blown signaling the start of the trial by combat and for everyone to gather at the combat area. Kylia gives Lex a nod telling him good luck.

Lexington heads for the combat area earning a variety of looks from the elves around him. Some being harsh while others are curious but Lex ignores these looks having a fight to worry about.

Lexington arrives at the combat area seeing Delion applying a cloth to a fine blade black in color which catches Lex's attention. Wolisa gathers everyone's attention as Deiratos has arrived earning fierce glares from both the Chieftain and his son.

"Now Master Hunter, the only ways a trial by combat can end is if you or Delion die or yield." Wolisa says.

Lexington nods understanding as Delion preps himself rotating his shoulders.

"Hunter I don't like you doing this, this is my fight not yours." Deiratos states with Lex turning to him.

"True but a Huntsman's job entails doing the right thing." Lex replies surprising Deiratos as he pulls out Tempest returning his attention to Delion.

Delion holds his longsword firmly as Lexington can tell the blade is that of Black Steel. Lexington is curious how this blade managed to get here but for now he focuses on the fight.

Lexington and Delion circle each other watching each other's movements closely. Lexington lifts Tempest keeping her pointed at Delion who does the same with his own blade.

Deiratos can hear the snow crunching beneath their feet but can feel his heart beating against his chest nervously. Delion makes the first strike swiping downwards.

Lexington attempts to parry this but Delion quickly backs up. Lexington sighs realizing Delion was faking him out. Lex himself takes a sudden step forward but steps away when Delion thrusts his blade towards his face.

Lexington twirls Tempest once as this is simply a feeling out process. Lexington initiates an attack forcing Delion to block as he quickly side steps around trying slice open his neck.

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