8: The Trial

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"What do you mean he was taken prisoner!?" Ayra asks grabbing Lex by his chest armor.

"As I've said, we came back and some asshole named Aerris trying instigating him, talked about Delaena being a Blood mage which would've been nice to know and also mentioned something about his mother dying thanks to Deiratos?"

Delaena sighs lightly as she sits down in a chair.

"When Deiratos was just a boy... He got into a accident which... Killed him." Delaena says as Lex's eyes widen a bit. "I tried everything to bring him back... Almost every form of magic can't bring someone from the dead, Blood magic can but it requires a trading a life."

Lexington eyes remain on Delaena as he pieces together what this means.

"A life for a life... Aerris' mother."

"Yes... After that I was... Well to say I was punished would be an understatement, aerris' father exiled me and denounced my entire family." Delaena says.

"Yet you stayed close to their territory." Lexington points.

"I did, these three are the children I never could have and I won't abandon them... And I won't abandon Deiratos." Delaena says standing up.

Lexington hums hearing this as he closes his eyes.

"If there's anything I can do, I'll do it." Lexington says as Delaena smiles softly.

"You've helped us enough, don't risk your life any further." Delaena says as she walks past Lexington.

Lexington sighs as he looks towards Hyga and Ayra.

"What will happen with this trial?" Lexington asks.

"Well Chieftain Darrlo will assign a judge to overlook the trial with witnesses to describe what happened so you'll more than likely be one of them." Ayra replies with worry.

Lexington tilts his head seeing her concern.

"We fear that the judge won't take you seriously as a witness since you're a human... Stupid we know but that's just how it is or could be." Hyga responds.

Lexington follows the trio back to the camp but on the way there, he decides to use the link between him and Elyria.

"El is this a bad time?" Lexington asks mentally.

"Not at Lex! I'm just busy keeping watch of some of my cousins." Elyria replies while watching Elira and Ayrilla. "You okay?"

"Yeah also cousins?" Lexington asks mentally confused.

"Yeah... Remember my uncle? He arrived today and apparently he has six children." Elyria states.

Lexington's eyes widen as he shudders at the idea of having that many children.

"Oh that sounds... Fun, but I need some advice." Lexington says.

"Oh? What kind of advice?" Elyria asks curiously.

"Say I were to be a witness in a elven trial and had to tell the judge the truth, how do you think I should handle it?" Lexington asks.

Elyria is somewhat taken aback by this question.

"Well it depends on the judge and the tribe... Lex what's going on?" Elyria asks worried.

"Well your mother went to maintain good relations with the bear tribe, one of the members, Deiratos had a physical altercation with the Chieftain's son and now he's on trial for it." Lexington explains.

Elyria hums hearing this and sees the twins playing with Ryris who's being gentle with them.

"Well the bear tribe out of all the tribes hate humans the most so you'll have that going against you, but just tell the truth and hope for the best." Elyria states as Lexington hums hearing this. "But are you close to coming home?"

Age Of Huntsman: A Day Of Dawn (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora