13: Meet your Uncle

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Lexington and the four are following a path having gotten back up from the chasm. Deiratos was the unfortunate soul who got stuck carrying the head of Jiri which makes him uneasy.

"Ah there you are Hunter, Kylia was about to send out a search party." An wolf tribe elf says.

Lex nods entering the camp with the four in tow meeting with Kylia who sighs in relief.

"Uh... What's with the head?" Kylia asks immediately regretting it.

Lex states that it's a long story soon asking where Delaena is. Kylia leads to the tent Delaena is staying at.

"Ah Lexington, do you wish something of me?" Delaena asks cheerfully soon seeing Deiratos enter with the head in his hands.

"Uh you don't mind reanimating a head right?" Lex asks as Delaena sighs hearing this asking why he even cut off the woman's head. "She... Asked me to."

Delaena simply pinches the bridge of her nose and motions Deiratos to bring her the head. Deiratos hands it to her immediately wiping his hands of the blood.

Delaena examines the head and the clean decapitation which certainly makes her glad to not be on the receiving end of a Black Steel weapon.

"I've never reanimated a head before but it's nothing outside of blood magic." Delaena says setting Jiri's head on a table.

Delaena cuts her palm chanting in elven as blood red magic energy surges around her hands. She sends this energy towards Jiri's head as her eyes shoot open gasping for air.

"Fuckin... Ah gods! I never- oh gods." Jiri gasps out as Delaena gently lifts her head asking if she's okay. "I'm... I'm alive, just seeing death in person is... Never again, I assume you're the one who revived me?" Jiri asks with gratitude as Delaena nods.

Jiri is soon handed to Lex who holds her by the bun gently.

"Forgive me but just being a head is gonna take a bit to get used to." Jiri states.

"It's no issue, but I'll need your help getting to the capital and this temple." Lex says with Kylia about to question this but her attention is gained by one of her tribesmen telling that a Huntsman looking man has arrived.

Everyone looks in curiosity with Kylia exiting the tent being led to this supposed Huntsman who is somewhat bulky, well built and certainly has the look of a Huntsman.

"Chieftess Kylia, Mason Hunter of the Mantic Clan, forgive my intrusion, I mean you no harm I only wish to speak with my nephew, Lexington Hunter." Mason states with Kylia raising her brow.

Lexington having overheard this is greatly confused stepping up looking Mason in the eyes similar to his, only being a little more dull in color.

"I don't have an uncle, so whoever you are-"

Mason blasts lightning into the sky shocking everyone especially the four bear tribe elves. Lexington is speechless and is gathering his thoughts.

"Ain't no fault of yours for not knowing me, your father and I don't have the best relationship but I'm trying to make up for it." Mason states truthfully.

"Is that why you're here? And does this clan know you're here?" Lexington asks while rising a brow.

"Well I've heard about your situation and thought I could at least protect my nephew since you don't have your magic... And the Mantic Clan has no idea I'm here."

Jiri scoffs lightly at Lex's hip.

"Clan Mantic, I know your ways... You're all piss poor excuses for Huntsman and Huntresses." Jiri spits out bitterly.

Age Of Huntsman: A Day Of Dawn (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now