5: Brotherly Exchange

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Simon and Maceson stare at each other for a few moments with the tension being clear as day.

"Wait who the hell is Mason?" Crowe questions.

"He's Simon's older brother, he was fully fledged Huntsman by the time our group started training." Cedric explains.

Mason stares at Cedric for a moment and chuckles lightly while snapping his fingers with the Warhammer flying back into his grasp.

"Cedric Bjornson, you're still alive... Gods you got big, who's the purple eyed runt with a sword way too big for him?" Mason questions rather rudely.

Crowe takes offense to this comment and walks up but Simon puts his arm out.

"His name is Crowe Munii, my future son-in-law so show him some damn respect." Simon says in anger which shocks Crowe as Simon has spoken of him like that.

Mason tilts his head not taking kindly to his brother's attitude.

"Oh you and that nun had a daughter then? Even after the situation with your son?" Mason asks sounding indifferent to this.

"My son's alive actually." Simon retorts as the Demon is grunting in pain.

"Huh... And you didn't think to write? Or Gods forbid use the kindred dream to tell me?" Mason asks in a judging fashion.

Simon scoffs lightly and takes a few cautious steps forward.

"I didn't think you'd care, given you never comforted me when I thought I lost my son... Or when mom died? Where you left to marry that Mantic woman." Simon snaps back as Mason tightens the grip on his Warhammer in anger.

Mason however relaxes his grip and takes a breath.

"Why are you here Simon? if you're here for the Demons then you're too late, I already killed most besides that one." Mason points out while pointing his Warhammer at the helpless Demon.

Simon looks at the Demon almost feeling sorry for it.

"Actually we need that Demon alive, Huntsman business... Nothing that would concern the Mantic clan." Simon retorts hoping this'll make Mason leave.

Mason tilts his head hearing this and twirls his Warhammer casually.

"Really? So the rumors are true? The Huntsman order is working with Demons, isn't one of them the halfbreed son of the Demon King?" Mason asks in a judging manner but Simon keeps silent. "Oh wow... And you judged me for joining the Mantic family."

"This isn't the same! Some Demons are willing to help and we're not gonna turn down help from those who want to. You just left cause you couldn't see past your bloodlust for mythics." Simon replies with anger.

Mason scoffs lightly as he walks around hearing this.

"And who's to say they won't turn their backs on you, think little brother... Why risk the lives of your son and daughter to-" Mason tries speaking but Simon shoots out lightning that knocks him back into the church.

Before Crowe and Cedric could question this, Simon teleports them Griffin Island as he also teleports the Demon.

"Oh you're just looking for a fight aren't you little brother!?" Mason growls out with electricity flowing around him.

Simon and Mason charge each other with their forearms clashing and unleashing electricity all over the place. The two brothers look each other in the eyes angrily as they sent back and maintain their balance.

Mason twirls his lightning infused Warhammer once as he waits for Simon to unveil his weapon.

"Come on! Bring out Reaper's Harvest!" Mason demands but Simon pulls out Fangs Of Thunder earning an amused and amazed chuckle. "Alright bring it!"

Age Of Huntsman: A Day Of Dawn (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now