Chapter 39: Fake news. Real news

Start from the beginning

"So we're basically doing what the other magazines are already doing. We're becoming the basics. How can we become different?"

"Sometimes, we have to be basics when we're new in the industry. Online platform, I mean, but that doesn't mean that you guys can't beat them up with amazing content later." Jungkook's dad argues. "We're going to work on being different. That's for sure."

"And you know Jimin, we're not entirely new. Your mother's company is working on many social media platforms. My clothing company has been working with social media too. We know our ways around it, but now we just need to make a place to stand among the others for your mother's magazine. I love the unique sense of printing magazines. It has been wonderful that your mother can still make it a bestseller prints to the younger generation. It has become something collectable. In a world where no one reads the actual newspaper anymore, people buy your mother's magazine. We can come back to it, but at some points in the business world, we do need to blend in." Jungkook's mom explains.

"Do you mean we'd stop producing the paper magazine?" Jimin asks.

"That's what Lee proposes for now. We have to follow what they propose. At least for now." Yuna utters, glancing at Uee who's giving back an assured facial expression.

"Why can't we do it our way? Why do we have to follow them and not follow the brand magazine?"

"Here's the thing, Jimin. We see the opportunity of this brand we're creating. When we serve them the contents that get them hooked, they'll share their interests in our platform. We aim to get them to use our platform for their lifestyle preferences, and in return, we get to collect the marketing information from them. Not personal information, by the way. That way we can show what we gather to the lifestyle brands we work with. This is a heavy ads selling base. More than that, there are many opportunities to know what to offer the customers. We also have that project to have another multi clothing store some time after the platform is launched, using our name. We'll make it like a selected store. Something we selected for them to buy since we know they'll like it. Along with the content and time. If they all are working in the future, we'll be the one to drive the trend by offering our content." Jungkook takes the turn to explain.

Jimin's lip parted a little bit. It's pleasing to see Jungkook talking like he's making a presentation, sounding and looking all professional. Jimin likes it so much, and that even makes Jimin become more angry. That reminds him of the news he saw this morning. One more question being raised. "Since when did you know about this and decided to keep it from me?"

"I knew this only a few days before. This is new to me too, but about the news this morning, it's not what you thi-"

"Are we changing the name?" Jimin cuts Jungkook's words.

"We are keeping 'Ploy', but we're going to add something. We're still working on coming up with the name." Jungkook replies, and the more Jungkook talks, the more it reminds Jimin that the taller one who's been seeing him for the past few days has known about this and kept it from him.

"I didn't ask you." Jimin shoots another glare.

"Jimin, whatever it is, you have a problem with Jungkook. You guys need to clear it out because you guys are going to work together, a lot, in the future." Jungkook's dad mentions. "There's going to be a lot for you guys to work on."

"What? I thought I'd work with Uee ajuma and mom."

"We planned that this is for your generation to develop further. You guys happen to be our sons." Yuna informs. "So, please try to get along. You don't know yet how much you guys will need each other in the future."

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