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Varian made sure she ate first. Delphina refused to go to the cafeteria. She didn't trust that Mal wasn't there, lurking to make sure she didn't break her orders. She also didn't know if she could even walk into a dining hall.

She was too exhausted to risk it.

Instead, after he managed to calm her down enough, Varian guided her to the teacher's lounge, where he rifled through the fridge before stealing someone's lunch and all the snacks with Hiro's name on them.

"He won't mind." Was all he gave as an excuse when Delphina objected. She devoured it all while Varian sat on the couch across from her, watching and only getting up to get her a banana protein smoothie.

It wasn't until after the smoothie was completely gone and Delphina's stomach had stopped growling that she sighed, rubbing her hands on her pants nervously. She couldn't tell him everything. She could feel it back in his classroom. Part of her mind was violently holding back all the words she wanted to say. Everything about Mal, the plan to get the wand...it all tried to claw its way out, but was violently beat down. She wasn't surprised at the restriction. Probably another spell. She couldn't tell Varian everything. But now that she could speak again, she might be able to tell him something.

"Varian, I–" But he held up a hand, cutting her off.

"Ah! Before you say anything...when was the last time you slept?" He demanded softly. Delphina frowned at the interruption, shaking her head.

"I...that's not important. Look, I need to tell you–"

"You can tell me whatever you need to after you've slept."

Delphina huffed, burying her head in her hands. "I can't sleep! I mean, I physically can't! My brain will not let me! Now will you please listen to what I–wha–Varian!" But he was already up and walking away, slipping out of the teacher's lounge and down the hall. Delphina sat on the couch for a moment, stunned, before flopping back into the cushions with a scoff.

She was starting to regret calling him the closest thing she had to a father.

The sarcastic thought was almost immediately followed by an inner cringe. That was one of the words Mal's spell's didn't hold back. She hadn't even realized it until that point. She hadn't realized that the flip in her stomach every time Varian seemed upset with her wasn't just discomfort. It was guilt. It was the feeling of failure. Like she had failed Varian as a student, a confidant, a friend, and a daughter all at once.

She hated it. More than almost anything in the world. She had never cared about disappointing the adults in her life before. Because the adults in her life were all terrible. Until now.

If this was what disappointing Varian felt like, then Delphina never wanted to risk meeting Cinderella.

Before she could fall deeper into her thoughts, Varian entered the room again, three vials in hand. He sat down and immediately launched into an explanation before Delphina could say anything.

"This one," He set the first vial on the table. "Will get rid of your headache. This," Another vial was set down. "Will help strengthen your psyche. And this," He set the final vial down and slid all three across the small coffee table toward Delphina. "Will give a guaranteed 24 hours of sleep. I recommend taking all three together for a maximum recharge. Just wait until you get back to your dorm, because that sleeping potion will knock you out in seconds. And be careful with them, too. Those are the last ones until Fairy Godmother needs me to brew more." Varian sat back on the couch as Delphina slowly took the vials. She stared at them for a long moment and nearly started crying in relief. She could finally sleep again.

𝑨 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴 𝑰𝑺 𝑨 𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑯 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑴𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑺Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя