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 Delphina tried not to gag at the sight of Audrey's bedroom. Complete with a canopy bed and large vanity mirror against the wall, everything about her room just screamed...princess. Delphina was used to grimy walls, hard mattresses, and thin, ratty blankets.

The twin XL bed covered in pristine blankets and pillows seemed like a foreign object to Delphina. One of the beds, probably Delphina's, seemed to have what seemed to be a welcome package on top of the blankets, complete with a backpack and a school-issued laptop. There was a bay window with pink cushions covered in throw pillows, a fireplace, and even a mini sitting area with a coffee table, a pink couch, and two armchairs, one pink and one white. Ignoring the onslaught of pink, the room was astonishing and unlike anything Delphina had ever seen.

"Well?" Audrey asked, rocking awkwardly next to Ben as they watched Delphina stare at the room. "What do you think?" Delphina let out a disbelieving laugh, the disgust in her dissipating and slowly being replaced with awe.

"I...it's...cool. It's really cool. And pink." Delphina managed to get out. As soon as the awe and excitement took root in Delphina's mind, it was gone. It was killed by the thought of her family, still stuck on the Isle, still sleeping in the basement on those hard mattresses and ratty blankets. Delphina deflated and she looked at her feet, suddenly ashamed of herself. She didn't have time to enjoy things like this. Things she didn't deserve. She had people to save.

"Hey, are you OK? What's wrong?" Audrey asked her. Delphina shook her head, turning to face Ben and Audrey. Her walls locked into place and she gave them a casual look

"Yeah." She lied, shrugging carelessly. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's a cool room, Audrey. Thanks for letting me stay with you. It's really generous of you." The compliment seemed to catch Audrey off guard. She looked like a deer caught in headlights. Delphina raised an eyebrow at her expression. "Um, are you OK? Is she OK?" Delphina looked over at Ben, who shrugged, just as confused as her.

Gently, Ben poked Audrey in the shoulder, trying to get her attention. "Auds? You alright?" Audrey nodded slowly, her shocked expression not leaving.

"Yeah, it's just....For someone who was raised by Lady Tremaine you're not..." Audrey trailed off, unsure how to word the rest of her sentence. Delphina completely understood what she meant though.

"I'm not a cruel bitch threatening to smother you in your sleep?" Delphina finished, amused at her shock. Audrey stuttered for a moment before shutting her mouth and opting to nod instead. Delphina smiled softly, slipping her hands into her pockets. "Yeah. Look, I can confidently say that I'm not my grandmother. In the hour I've been in this kingdom, a king has sworn to help me save my family and a princess who has every right to turn her back on me is letting me stay with her." Audrey and Ben both smiled softly as she rocked on the balls of her feet.

"You guys have absolutely no reason to trust me. And maybe everything in your bones is telling you that you never should." Delphina exhaled nervously. "But I'll try to make sure you can always trust me. I promise."


"Miss Tremaine, I must say, your transcripts are most peculiar." Fairy Godmother commented, staring down at a few sheets of paper in a manilla folder.

"Dragon Hall had transcripts in the first place?" Delphina asked incredulously. She was currently sitting across from the headmistress, discussing her schedule at Auradon Prep after Doug had come to retrieve her.

Fairy Godmother hesitated at the question. "Well, it was less of a transcript and more of an assessment at how much of a villain you could grow into." She explained. Delphina hummed, leaning back in her chair. That seemed more accurate for Dragon Hall. Fairy Godmother flipped through the file again before sighing. "You seem to have the proper prerequisites, but there's nothing else other than your end-of-year exam scores. No teacher notes, no suggestions for the next year. Nothing." Fairy Godmother looked up at Delphina, hoping for an explanation. Delphina shrugged lightly.

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