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"Mal?" Uma demanded loudly, clearly enraged. "Maleficent's dragon brat and her lackeys get to go to Auradon?" Delphina sat at the counter of Ursula's Fish & Chips, face down as she groaned in affirmation. Her siblings had just barely talked her into going to Auradon, but when she found out who would be accompanying her, she nearly lit the crumpled-up invitation on fire.

Mal Dracona was someone Delphina and her friends had never gotten along with. The only daughter of Maleficent, Mal was one of the other most feared people on the Isle, but only because of her mother. Uma and Delphina both despised her more than anyone on the Isle.

Mal had made Uma's life a nightmare after sticking her with the nickname 'Shrimpy' and constantly humiliating her when they were kids. Delphina's contempt for the young fairy started after Mal had decided to sick her mother's henchmen on Bella and Dizzy to draw Delphina out after she had robbed Maleficent.

Mal herself was barely terrifying in the slightest. Her 'friends' weren't much better. Jay Totah, Jafar's son, followed Mal around with such blind loyalty, he could be a puppy.

Evie Grimhilde, the Evil Queen's daughter, was a genius in fashion, beauty, and domestic activities, but was practically a dumb blonde in everything else, despite her blue hair. Delphina mainly only tolerated her because Dizzy idolized Evie and her fashion sense.

Carlos de Vil, Cruella de Vil's son, was the only one Delphina could actually say she liked. He was fairly reserved and as tech-savvy as one could be on the Isle. But his incorrigible fear of dogs needed some attending to.

"I begged them to let me bring you or Anthony or Gil or Harry," Delphina explained, lifting her head and resting her chin on the counter. "But they were all 'Prince Ben was very clear we start small. There shall be no plus ones' blah blah blah." Delphina dropped her voice several octaves to mimic the guards before slamming her face into the counter once more. "I can barely tolerate them when they live across the island. Now I'll probably have to share a room with one of them?" A snorting laugh made Delphina lift her head in the direction, spotting Harry fighting back a cackle.

"Stop laughing at me!" Delphina whined childishly. Harry continued to chortle, shaking his head. Glowering at him, Delphina shoved Gil's arm out of the way to snatch a handful of fish chowder off his tray and launch it in Harry's direction. He ducked in just enough time, the handful of chowder hitting a random patron instead.

"I-I'm sorry. 'M sorry." Harry wheezed, bending over to catch his breath. "It-it's just...the idea of you, Delphina Tremaine, Swordmistress and quartermaster of the Lost Revenge, as a pretty, pink princess is just..." Harry dissolved into laughter once more and Delphina's face burned in annoyance. Much to her chagrin, Uma began chuckling as well.

"And you're going with Evie? Oh, yeah. You'll be decked out in taffeta and tulle by sunset." Uma's laughter increased just as Gil decided to jump in, swallowing the remainder of his food.

"I can see it now. Princess Delphina Tremaine, the wickedest royal in the land. Why?" Gil gasped in fake horror, plastering on an abhorred expression. "She prefers velvet to silk!" Uma, Gil, and Harry all erupted into obnoxious laughter as Delphina flushed with embarrassment. She snatched a handful of nuts from the bowl on the counter and began pelting her friends with them.

"I. Hate. All. Of. You!" Delphina shouted, fighting back her own laugh. While the idea of Delphina decked out in a ballgown, all pretty and pink, and waiting for a prince to sweep her off her feet made her want to gag, the way her friends were painting the picture did make it seem comical.

After the group had calmed down, Uma sighed, leaning on the counter and giving Delphina a serious look. "So, Auradon. Any diabolical plans? Or do you plan to just forget us and succumb to the forces of good?" Uma interrogated. Delphina snorted humorlessly.

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