"Silence!" Jake yells.

Everyone shuts up but Tonowari gives him a hard stare.

"Just hear me out," he says in a more controled voice. "I hate to give this guy the reason but, it's true that it's too late. No matter if we move Spider or no, the sky people will come here. Not just for him but because the ship sunk very close to here and then because Spider is the only survivor that they know of," he explains.

"No, no. No. I'm jot leaving, I don't want to go! I don't want to hide, I don't want for kids to grow up like this without a real home!" Neytiri shouts.

I can feel her pain and from the first days that we talked and she told me that she and Jake had to renounce to be the leaders of our clan... my poor aunt, always having to give and sacrifice and life just doesn't stop taking.

"I know, I don't want that either. I don't but we have to do something because they'll come here," Jake tells her taking her hand.

"It's all your fault!" Neytiri yells to Miles and a single tear falls down her eye.

"What do you mean they're coming?" Ronal asks Miles.

"I just said-" Tonowari interrupts him.

"Would they come to seek vengeance? Will they come and burn our village?" He asks, Ronal's lips waver a little.

Miles sighs and hugs his body.

"Given that we had already visited two villages and... we knew that Sully had to be in one, they probably think that whatever happened to the ship was because of him and... regardless of us being here or not... the people from they sky don't know how to ask nicely," he looks to the ground and the  to Jake, into his eyes.

"They'll come here and burn everything just because they can, they'll look for Spider and kill anyone that gets in the way of them killing you," he says.

"Then all that's left is fighting? Fight even if we don't want to? Just because there is no choice?" Ronal asks in a firm tone.

"I'm afraid so," Miles says.

Tonowari roars and paces around a little. I offer Miles my hand, he's not one, he doesn't have to bear everything alone.

"How long?" Jake speaks.

"The trip here was like a month and a few days, if they are already coming then a month," he says.

"They won't make any stops along the way right?" I ask.

"I don't think so," Miles says.

If they did then we could win like one or two more weeks.

"What about the stupid mask?" We still need to get rid of it, wheter they come or not," Neytiri says.

Jake turns to look inquisitively at Miles and he shakes his head.

"The kid needs it and we can't take it off to destroy the thing," he says.

"Can't he hold his breathe or something?" Ronal asks.

"Maybe if I ask Norm they have another one, they could take it here and we can destroy this one," Jake says.

"I advice all of you to get a good night of rest, because tomorrow early we'll have to come up with a plan to fix this," Tonowari warns in a firm tone.

With that we're all dismissed.

Miles and I silently walk to our pod, both of us lost in our thoughts.

"Everything is going to start unfolding right?" I ask breaking the silence.

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