"Kitty" Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader

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I'm gonna try and write some of it in Shinsou's POV so it'll be a bit different. Alrighty guys, lets do this... sorry if you're allergic to cats. If you are, well, now you're not lol.

There's a bit of a lime in this one, you're kinda dominant ig.

Shinsou's POV

Shinsou was on his way to school when he heard pitiful mewling coming from a soggy cardboard box in the alleyway by his favorite coffee shop. He already knew what it was, but should he risk being late to school because of this?

Screw it, he thought, Aizawa-sensei loves cats...

Dodging overfilled trash cans, Shinsou made his way towards the cat that some disgusting excuse for a human left. Looking inside the box, a scraggly kitten peered up at him with dim, blue eyes. Shinsou immediately fell in love with the kitten, from its thin, striped tail to its large, orange ears. He scooped it up in his arms, where the kitten immediately settled down into the warm crook of his elbow.

He dashed the rest of the way to school, panting as he ran in the doors to class 1-A. Aizawa simply glared at him, prepared to give the "you're late" speech, until he saw the bundle of orange fur snuggled up in Shinsou's arms. Deciding to let it slide this one time, he beckoned for Shinsou to take his seat. After settling down at his desk, he noticed that the kitten had woken up, and started stretching. Curious as to what it would do next, Shinsou made no move to stop it.

It hopped out of his lap and sauntered to the person sitting next to him. He didn't know them very well, but he had developed strange emotions for them. He didn't like the fact that he wanted to be with someone. They probably were scared of him, hated him for his villainous quirk. (Y/n) flinched a bit when the kitten leaped into their lap, but softened when it started kneading their uniform and purring. They gently stroked it, smiling when it curled up onto their lap. It stayed there until the end of class, purring softly at (Y/n)'s touch.

What would it be like if they ran their fingers through my hair? Wait, Shinsou, get ahold of yourself man, you can't be thinking like that! Although... I do have to get the cat back. Ugh that means I have to talk to them

Shinsou got up and walked over to where you were attempting to pack your things without disturbing the sleeping kitten. He awkwardly loomed over you, wondering how to start the conversation. Luckily, he didn't have to.

"Oh hey Shinsou! Is this your cat?" you asked him, the cutest smile on your face.

"Yeah. I found it this morning by a coffee shop."

"That's horrible! I can't believe people do that."

"Mhm. Uh, so can I have my cat back please?"

Wait, you're being so nice to me, he thought

"OH! Hmm... No, you cannot have your cat back because it's mine now."

Shinsou started to panic for a second, before he realized that you were laughing, holding the kitten out to him. He awkwardly tried to figure out how to take it from you, settling for holding your hands in his, while you slid the kitten to him.

Holy... Damn their hands are so soft!

He stood there and gazed into your (e/c) eyes, his deep purple eyes taking in your figure. His heartbeat started quickening as he noticed every little detail of your face, the way your eyes gleamed in the soft morning light coming in from the window-

"Shinsou, I'll take the cat while you go finish your studies," Aizawa interrupted, "and don't be late to your next class because you two are too busy gazing into each others eyes like a pair of lovebirds."

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