"Stargazing" Katsuki Bakugo x Reader

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Hi guys! I have returned from the depths to write a story for @qudreyy. I hope y'all enjoy this one! Oh, you guys also have the power of art now, (if you don't already) and quirk doesn't really matter for this story. Also, for the description of (Y/n)'s room, welcome to my room, but add a bird and a guitar and we're good.

"(Y/n), are you almost done over there?" Kirishima called from across the hallway.

"Yeah, just give me a sec and... done!" You shouted, adding the last touches on your masterpiece. Kirishima waltzed down the hall, dancing to an unheard tune as he reached where you sat.

"NO!" You cried, throwing your arms over your work of art.

"Come onnn, let me see it!" Kirishima said teasingly, peeling your arms off the canvas.

"Just... don't laugh, ok?"

Kirishima gazed at the piece, marveling at all the details.

"Woahhh, (Y/n), did you do this?"

"No, Kaminari did... Yes of course I did this, you big doofus," you said playfully, knocking your elbow against his side. "Just... don't tell anyone, ok?'

. . .

"Just... don't tell anyone, ok?"

Bakugo flattened himself further against the other side of the door as he waited for Kirishima and (Y/n) to leave. As their voices got further away, Bakugo quietly opened the door and slipped in. He wrinkled his nose at the mess, paint and pencils scattered in a corner, resin supplies messily shoved on a shelf, brushes and watercolors sat on the bed, charcoal powder in a pile on a desk, and stacked notebooks, drawings, sculptures littered the rest of the room.

When he was walking through the room, he realized it... wasn't that messy? It was very sloppily organized, but it had charm. Then he remembered the reason why he'd come in. What was it that (Y/n) didn't want him to see? Bakugo scanned the room until seeing an open space on the floor, with an average sized canvas covered with a sheet. He peeled back the layer and audibly gasped. It was him! But- they'd made him look so good, and every detail was drawn perfectly.

In the painting, he was mid-laugh, his bright red eyes sparkling in the sunlight, his hair softly blowing in the breeze, his body posture relaxed. The amount of detail was stunning, from the visible seams in his clothes to each strand of hair... Bakugo was incredibly impressed. Sure (Y/n) wasn't the strongest on the field, but they had just gained a new level of respect in his book. Undoubtedly there was chemistry between them, but... should Bakugo risk his pride?


Bakugo almost flinched, but he stopped himself from doing so when he recognized the voice.

"(Y/n)," he said, but he was cut off by the pure look of panic in (Y/n)'s eyes.

. . .

There he was. The bastard himself standing in front of your painting that you'd hoped he'd never see.

"Goddamn it! Why did I make that?" You said to yourself, fully ignoring the boy standing not halfway across your room. "That was so stupid of me! Why did I leave my door unlocked? I don't know! I was HOPING that SOMEONE would at least have a SMALL amount of RESPECT FOR PRIVACY!?! BUT NO! HE HAD TO COME SNOOPING IN AND- Oh, you're still here."

"Damn nerd," he said, stalking out of your room.

Oh shit. The reality of what all you'd done... you'd literally just started yelling about your crush in front of him...

"Fuck it," you thought, "what's the worst that could happen if I give it to him?"

As you carefully wrapped up the painting, you went over all of the ways this could go wrong in your head, ranking each of them on the most painful sting scale. With legitimately nothing to lose at this point, you pounded on the door, wanting to get it over with.

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