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3:30 A.M

You were awaken by your thirsty throat but with the luck you have Adrien forgot to fill the water jar today because of the dirty thing you both were doing in the bathroom.

So you go downstairs but stop when you hear something and hide behind a table and whip out your phone and start recording so if you die everybody will know how you died.

It was the maid and some guys that you didn't recognize. "Quick boys all of it. Quietly ya'll. We can sell of of this for a large amount and then become rich as fuck!"The maid and the guys were transporting the boxes full of drug to a truck. The maid was actually a thief!It was really unexpected considering her personality.

You need to inform Adrien but if you informed him now they will run away. So you need to stay hidden and record for proof.

They were taking alot of time and weren't going away and you needed to drink water so you could sleep peacefully and comfortably but these guys weren't letting that happen for you.

After sometime when they were gone and just the maid was there you were rubbing your eyes and yawned to make it look like you just woke up.

"Oh...mam do you want something?" Her acting is really good if you ask me.

"Oh...I just came down for some water by the way why are you still awake?" The question are never going to stop.

"I woke up to drink water too but then I heard some noise from outside the house so I opened the door to check if someone was there" Her name should be liar

"Can you do me a favor?" You asked

"Sorry but I don't think I will be able to do that" did she just deny you request?

"The only acceptable answer is YES" you said demanding

"Y-yes mam"

"You will make some croissants and dalgona coffee when you wake up again,for breakfast" you were trying to make her suffer and it was kinda working.

"Sorry, mam but I don't know how to make croissants nor dalgona" How come she does not?

"I don't care learn them in the 3 hours you have remaining and how come you don't? You are a maid," You were walking to the kitchen while saying this and grabbed a knife from there and continued while caressing your fingers on the knife "and a theif too" Your smirk was probably visible from 5 kilometers away!

"H-how did you know?" She got scared as you had weapons on you and she didn't. "I have weapons on me but you don't have...any"
She then ran to the kitchen to grab a knife so you whipped out your gun.

"How do you have a gun?You know you can go to jail if you illegally own a gun" She thought she was going to put you in the jail but didn't know that you are the one who can put her in.

"For your information I'm a Secret agent from the fbi department and I'm on a mission to catch a drug dealer and you know who I'm talking about. I can put you in the jail for robbery and drug trading" You said while caressing her chin with the gun in your hand.

"Well I can tell Adrien that you are here to lock him behind some bars" She really thinks she can do that to you?

"Adrien would never belive you plus...I have proof video of you transporting the drugs into a truck" You were smirking as you put your gun in the pocket you removed it from because you heard some footsteps coming and made it look like she was holding your neck.

"What the fuck are you doing to her? You should know your limits. You are just a maid of this house!" You were happy because your plan was working out.

"B-but-" before the maid could even finish her sentence you started your acting.

"Adrien, she was transporting drugs to a truck and was talking about selling them. Look I even have proof and when I said I will tell Adrien she threatened to kill me" you weren't lying though maybe you were but who cares?

"She is lying" The maid was starting to get maid but the I is silent.

"Boys get her!" You all probably know to whom he is saying that to.

You showed the video to Adrien and he was shocked to see what he saw.

"You will regret having her in here, Adrien. She is a secret agent and she is trying to get you behind bars" You knew Adrien would not belive her even a bit after what just happened.

"Serena would never do something like that" Adrien trusted you more than his life.

"You trust her blindly because you are deeply in love and you will regret after she actually puts you behind bar and don't you find it suspicious that why is she not mad at you for kidnapping her? And why isn't she trying to run away?" You need to get her out of this house or she will expose you.

"It's because she loves me" Bro is self-obsessed

"No,she is not. Look at her,does her eyes say so or she did? You trust her way too much,Adrien." This girl can get you in a lot of trouble.

"You are a freaking liar and you cannot be trusted. You are fired! Never show me your face ever! Boys take her out!" He was really angry

"Babe" You said while looking into his eyes with your doe ones.

"Are you fine my bunny?" Your plan was going just your way.

"Yes, I'm fine" ofcourse you were because you were in control and not her!

"Let's get to sleep?hmm?" He was raging with anger and now? He IS deeply in love with you.

"Hmm..." It was like he would do anything for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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