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"Are you ready?" Asked Gal. "Ofcourse" you answered with a decent answer.

"Here take this airpod and this tracker with you and put the airpod in your left ear and the tracker in your back packet so we can track you down if something bad happens."Gal said while handing you the airpod and the tracker.

"Thanks,Gal. I would try my best to catch this Adrien guy" you said with a heartwarming smile.

"Be careful is all I'm going to say," he said with a rb face."Nio will drive you there and will keep an eye on Adrien and you." He continued.


After you were near you destination by like 17 feet away you asked Nio to stop there because you didn't want Adrien to suspect a thing. Well you gotta agree Gal did say right about being Adrien handsome.

"So...what kind of drugs do you want,Pretty lady?"Adrien asked while smirking. But f*ck! you didn't knew any sh*t about drugs.

"Murjana" A voice came from somewhere and you realised it was from the airpod. You didn't know how to thank Gal for literally rescuing you.

You answered Adrien with "Murjana". You were literally gulping really hard that Adrien could probably hear it.

You knew there were his guys hiding so they could just pop out of nowhere when anybody did anything suspicious and you were probably really suspicious.

"You know what?" he continued while caressing your face gently. "You can have as much as you want at my home"

F*ck it! You cannot even pull out your gun or otherwise you would be the one at the end of a gun instead of him. So you just stayed silent.

"Boys get her!" He said commanding the guys that would have been ready to kill you if you would have done anything wrong.

"Wait...what?!" Now you were at the verge of getting a panic attack and literally DYING!

"Don't worry babe nothing will happen to you" he said while smelling your hair.

F*ck it you were in a lot of trouble and your life was about to get messed up but you said that you would try your best to catch him and report him so this would just make it easy for you to catch him. So you secretly signalled Nio to not do anything but just follow the car and maintain atleast distance of 20ft.

You both know sign language and that's how you both communicate most of the time when on a mission.

"Boys get-" Before Adrien could finish his sentence someone placed a handkerchief on your mouth and you passed out.

After you woke up you saw that you were on a bed with a blanket covering your delicate body. But there was one thing that you panicked about... You were just in you underwears! What just happened? Several questions were roaming through your brain like a free serial killer.

"Serena, Are you okay?" You literally jumped out of bed after hearing Gal's voice out of nowhere and when least expected.

"I'm totally fine but there's one thing about which I'm not fine at all." You peek under the blanket to inspect your body.

"And what exactly is that,Serena?" Gal asked. "It's just that I am just in my underwears."

"What?"Gal asked but you heard some footsteps so you said to Gal. "Someone's to you later."

It was a maid who came with a dress. It was a really pretty bodycon short dress.

"Uh...I wanted to ask something" It literally came out as a whisper out of your mouth.

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