"How they're all dead?" Kaiya cried even harder. She still couldn't believe what happened. It was just a normal day when she left in the morning with Sasuke to go train, but she came back to the worst nightmare she didn't know that could even come true. Oh Kami, Sasuke! I feel so bad, they were his family actually family.

They might've not been her actual family, but they were her everything. They were the first people who treated like she was worth something.

"Ho-how come no one came?" She stopped crying for a second and looked at the Hokage in the eyes. "What?" He was taken by the question, not even Sasuke had asked when he went to check on Sasuke.

"I'm sure they were screaming and noise, how come to one came to help?" She asked again. "Aren't there people who go around the village to make sure it's safe? Where were they?"

"Kaiya that's there..." For the first time Hiruzen didn't know what to say. "How can you be Hokage if you can't do your job." He was taken back the look in her eyes.

"I thought a Hokage was to protect its people, but you let a whole clan get killed." She sneered and looked away.

"You should know that there's things out of my control." He responded and now he said that he didn't think that was the best response.

"O-out of your control?" Her body started to tremble. "So, you knew this was going to happen? Their lives didn't matter enough so you just let it be!" She yelled.

"I didn't mean it like that," He tried to touch to her, but she pushed his hands out the way. "You're the worst Hokage ever!"

I should've never blamed him for the Uchiha clan massacre. I did so much and never apologize for it. I quickly moved out of my spot when I noticed I was the only one of the genins still standing there, everyone was in the line with their white flower in their hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I know it's too late now, but I'm so sorry," I whispered as I laid the flower down. I made my way back to my original spot and looked at Naruto when I heard him call Iruka-sensei name.

"Why do people risk their own lives?" Naruto questioned.

"When a person dies their past, their present life, and their future disappear along with them." He responded. "Many people die doing their duty and fighting in battle... and shock easily. Hayate was one of them. Those who pass away also dreams and ambitions, but everyone has something else, just as important."

"Parents, siblings, friends, lovers, Those who dear to them.... They trust each other and help each other and help each other, the people whom they've cherished since the day were born. And that string which connects those people, becomes stronger and thicker as times goes by; it can't be explained by logic. Those who hold these strings just do it, because it's important to them."

"Yeah, I kind of understand that," Naruto said.

"The Sandiame didn't die for nothing," I quickly turned around when I heard the voice who said that. When did Kakashi come here?

"He left something important in all of us, you'll understand when you're older."

"I think we can understand that now," I replied as I looked up and noticed the rain stopped. "There will be better days after this," I muttered.


All of my teammates where gathered my a training ground because Kakashi wanted to check up on us. I wasn't mad at him anymore, the third Hokage's death taught me not to hold petty grudges. And after all it could've been order not to say anything.

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