It was way smaller than anything I was used to, which was confusing because Zack had just as much money as we did. He moved away with my dad after all, and I was sure he sends money to Zack occasionally.

"I don't know why he chose such a small place to live in," Grayson grumbled, closing the door behind us. "He could buy the entire building if he wanted to."

Suddenly, the door next to the kitchen opened and a tall, built figure walked out, water dripping from his hair as he dried it with a towel. "Can't believe the first words I hear from you after four years is you judging the place I live."

I stood there, frozen in place as our eyes met each others. The last time I saw him, he was fourteen. His natural black hair was dyed a light shade of brown. He became a lot taller than I ever expected from him.

Grayson cleared his throat. "You grew. Been working out?" He walked over to Zack, reaching his hand out. They both firmly clasped their hands over each others, pulling them into a quick hug. Grayson clapped the back of his shoulder. "It's been a while."

Zack was almost as tall as him. "Yeah, it has. You've gotten bigger too."

Grayson shrugged. "I work out when I have the chance. You still box?" I stood by the door, waiting for them to end their conversation. I was the only one sulking in this awkward atmosphere, jealous at how fast they were getting along. What was I supposed to talk about with him?

"I box occasionally." Zack then shifted his focus from Grayson to me. "You look the same." His tone suddenly changed. It wasn't lively or relaxed like it was a second ago. It was tense- as if something suddenly annoyed him.

Maybe I was feeling bitter at how he cut us off without a word. "I'm surprised you remember."

"I wish I didn't have to," he spat right back at me. Immediately, Grayson landed a hard smack on the side of Zack's head. It caught both of us off guard.

Grayson's eyebrows furrowed together. "The hell's your problem?"

"It's been two minutes since we meet and you're going to hit me?" Zack scoffed in disbelief, rubbing the place he got hit while wincing. I didn't know what was going on. The sudden shift from how he acted towards Grayson then to me made me feel uneasy.

"I don't want any problems." Grayson yawned as he walked back over to me. "Can you show her around?"

Zack's eyes narrowed at me. "You've got eyes. You've got legs. Walk around and figure it out yourself."

"Hey, don't talk to her like that." Grayson's tone shifted in a split second as well. Everything went silent. My grip around my pillow tightened as I realized I didn't want to stay here anymore. What the hell was his problem?

Zack shut his eyes for a moment before letting out a sigh of annoyance. He pointed to the door next to me. "Bathroom." Then he pointed to the door ahead of that. "Your room." He then pointed behind him. "My room."

Ever second of it grew the resentment inside of me. He was annoyed with me for some reason, and I was getting equally as annoyed back.

He dropped his hands to his side. "You need me to point out the room you're standing in?"

Grayson grabbed the backpack off my shoulder. "Come on. Let's go into your room." He opened the door to my room, pulling in the suitcases. I followed him quickly. I didn't want to be near Zack anymore.

My room had nothing but a single bed against the left side of the wall. Grayson sighed. "I'll get you a desk. And a dresser or a bedside table. Just... let me know what you need."

I dropped my stuff onto the ground. "Grayson. Can I please go home with you?"

"Cara..." grayson sighed once more. "It'll be better once we decorate your room, okay? We can buy whatever you want. You even have your own bathroom connected-"

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