donnie x Fem reader [angst + fluff]

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request: "Hi there! I was wondering if you could do a Donnie x Fem cat Yokai reader. Basically, the reader fell from a really high place when she was a kid, resulting in many injuries and a fear of heights. When she's on a mission with the turtles, Donnie scoops her up and puts her on his jet pack in a hurry because they're being chased by an enemy, but the reader freaks out and in midair, she unsheathes her claws and they dig into the jet pack, breaking it. They crash land, and Donnie yells at the reader until he notices how distraught she is, to which he asks what's wrong. The reader spills everything about what happened in her youth and Donnie comforts and apologizes to her, which ends in a confession and a little kiss (?) and the others find them mid-kiss and haha funny stuff issues. Some angst to fluff perhaps? I hope you like it!"

as a massive donnie fan, y e s

also, the italics are going to be the flashbacks/past


"y/n look out!!"

She looked in front of her, she had forgotten my balcony had a gap in it. She fell down one story of an apartment. y/n slightly raised her head, and there where a small group of people running around. the ringing in her ears made it impossible to hear anything. She made an effort to look down at her body, it ached trying to crane her head down. y/n landed on her arm, breaking her forearm.

y/n woke up in the hospital, the news was that she broke her left arm, cracked her left kneecap and got concussed. it was rough but she was going to pull through. She sat in my hospital bed tired and weak.

"y/n? y/n!!"

y/n yelped as she came back from zoning out. Donnie smacked few-foot clan members before running after her.

"alright y/n, I'm not sure where the others are but we should go!"

Donnie grabbed y/n by the waist and threw her up on his back. He had his flight shell on, it had a seat but he was panicking, just letting the handles out for her to hold on to. He knew she had a strong grip. he took off in an instant, giving her no time for her to think. the memories of falling as a child flashed through y/n's mind. instincts made her dig her claws into his battle shell. the handles broke off and got stuck in the jets.

They both wavered in the air and ended up taking a pretty hard fall.

Donnie sighed shakily, "What was that? what happened? this is gonna take forever to attach the handles back on!"

y/n couldn't hear Donnie's inconsistent ranting and nervous pacing around as her ears started ringing. She felt too dizzy to stand and weakly reached for a wall, the wall seemed too far right as she reached for it. Falling on her hands and knees, fear wracked y/n's whole body.

Donnie stopped ranting and looked at her, her whole body shaking with tears falling. He didn't know how to comfort with his words but he knew how to physically help. He carefully knelt down and wrapped his arms around y/n. her body still reacting with fight or flight, she accidentally dug her nails into his biceps. He quietly grunted, not wanting to scare her. Donnie slowly rubbed her back. y/n slowly started to calm down and stop tearing at Donnie's arms.

y/n finally let go of his arms and hugged him back.

"I-it's gonna be okay." Donnie was trying hard to make her feel better.

He let go of her and cupped her cheeks, "are you okay?"

"yeah, I'm ok.." y/n said while wiping her tears away.

"you never told me you had a fear of heights," Donnie let go of her face and carefully held her arms, "are you scared because of all these scars?"

y/n nodded, "you know I can be clumsy..."

Donnie rubbed his thumbs against y/n's rough scar tissue. He slowly and gently brought her hands up to his face, delicately placing a kiss on each hand. He acted like she was made of glass. y/n's face flushed, Donnie usually wasn't so attentive or gentle with things.

"Well, I could try moving you around another way." Donnie instantly started muttering to himself different ways to get y/n around without making her so scared.

In the middle of his muttering you quietly whispered, "I love you donnie."

He paused and his face went into a darker green, he nervously fidgeted with his fingers. He clearly wanted to say something but was taken aback by y/n's genuine tone. He exhaled shakily and held under her chin with one hand, Pulling her closer to his face and kissing her suddenly. y/n put her hands on his shoulders, he winced a little from the previous scratches but didn't want to break the kiss. He only broke it for a moment for a much-needed breath.

"you guys having fun?" leo suddenly and rudely interrupted their moment.

Donnie squeaked out of embarrassment, raph slapped the back of his head with a flip flop that came out of nowhere.

"we've taken care of the evil-doers." raph said annoyed while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"yea donnie, what did you do other than make out with your girlfriend?" leo said teasingly.

"SHUT UP LEO!" his face still dark and flushed from embarrassment.


WAH I GOT A REQUEST DONE, genuinely tho this request was cute as hell i loved writing it.

donnie is so bbg i love him so mcuh haduhsfhnkfnsodfjsoidjf

ANYWAYS im workin hard on other requests as we speak

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