leo x GN reader [angst + fluff]

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request: "Can you do Leo x GN yokai wolf reader Angst to Fluff? Like when Leo gets a nightmare about the Krang Killing the reader and wakes up from the nightmare traumatized the reader comes to his room and sees him in tears and traumatized, the reader comforts him and when he placed their hand on his cheek, Leo starts chirping and the reader is about to leave, Leo stops them by grabbing their wrist and tells them to stay and asks if they can sleep with him tonight and the reader says 'if it'll make you feel better, of course.' Then the two went to sleep and snuggled with each other?"

you got it!! 💖💖


leo writhed on his bed, nightmares of the krang hurting you flashed through his mind. he woke up in a cold sweat, his whole body sore, wracked with pain and fear. he heard footsteps coming towards his room. still, under the effect of his fear, he grabbed his odachi next to his bed. you pulled the curtain to his room back, leo sighed. 

"you scared me half to death!" leo joked, his voice raspy from sleep. 

you saw his tears still flowing down past the red marks on his face. 

"are you okay leo?" you asked worriedly, walking closer to him to console him.

"yeah.. I'm perfectly fine.." he sobbed out, unable to keep his tears in.

you guided him to sit down on his bed. you sat in front of him and put your hand on his plastron. his heart was still beating fast. only a second after, a small chirping sound came from his chest. you could feel it in your hand. 

you knew this was signalling that he was uncomfortable with something. you pulled back and got up.

"i'll go now-"

"wait!" he grabbed your wrist.

"don't leave me. please stay for the night.." his voice was cold and desperate. gripping your wrist tighter, he leaned over and cried harder.

you panicked and hugged him, "if it'll make you feel better i'll stay."

he whispered thank you into your neck. you laid him down and pulled the covers over both of you. you held him close to you while he let out his tears. you rubbed the back of his head in an attempt to groom him. he snuggled into your fluff more. you both cuddled and he fell asleep after a bit, all that crying must've worn him out.

"I love you, goodnight leo." 


recommend listening to "heart to heart" by Mac DeMarco for more sad/comfort feels while reading this

i did that while writing this-

i hope you enjoyed <33

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