Part Two

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****Okay, so I lied about the next update taking a while. In all honesty though, I've been working on it for about three days. It's just that the prologue was supposed to be published days ago, but I kept backing out because I wasn't sure that I wanted to go ahead with my new idea yet or not, you know, being that it's so different and all. Anyway, hope you all enjoy this. It's... an interesting part kind of. ****

            My eyes opened, but they wouldn’t focus on anything. I was tired, dead tired. It felt like there was an elephant holding me down, crushing me under its weight. I wanted to move, but I couldn’t. It was strange too, because at the same time, I had this feeling that I had previously been asleep for a while now. I should have felt well rested, but I didn’t.

            The ceiling was blurry. The whole room was actually blurry. It was taking too long to come into focus. However, I did notice an extreme amount of white. It seemed as though everything in the room looked pure, clean, and white. It was almost like a doctor’s office, and it gave me that same sickening feeling.

            I finally managed to roll my head to the side. That’s when I realized I wasn’t alone. There was another bed in the room, and a girl occupied it. As my sight became clearer I saw that she had long sandy blonde hair that must have went midway down her back, and she was wearing this skin tight suit like thing. I glanced down at myself just then and saw that I was too. They were both white with pale blue stripes running down the sides of the sleeves and the legs.

            Where on Earth was I? Who was this girl? Wait… who was I? I couldn’t remember. I didn’t know why I couldn’t remember either. Something was seriously wrong with this whole situation. I needed to get up and stretch out, see what was going on.

            With a lot of effort, I finally managed to sit up. At first I felt a little sick and disoriented, but that wore off after a few seconds and I rubbed at my eyes. I had only been vaguely aware of the faint beeping sound coming from somewhere within the room, but now that I focused on it, it seemed to have gotten louder. I scanned the area. There were a lot of fancy looking machines. It still reminded me of being in a hospital.

            I went to get up off of the bed that I had been lying in when I felt this aching spot on my arm get worse. There was a needle in my arm, an IV needle. It was connected to a machine that had some kind of bluish liquid in it. I quickly ripped it out of my arm, not caring about why it may have been there, or what consequences that may have brought on.

            I don’t know why I felt compelled to do so, but I walked over to the other girl and stood next to her bed. She was still in a deep sleep. I gently tapped on her shoulder, but she didn’t respond. I did it again, and again, and again. When that didn’t seem to be working I grabbed onto her shoulders and shook her. Finally, her eyes fluttered open and she gazed up at me.

            Neither one of us said anything at first. I gave her a moment to look around the room herself. Maybe she knew what was going on. Maybe she could tell me why I couldn’t remember where I was or how I got here.

            After a long moment of waiting she finally sat up.

            “Where am I?” she asked, her voice sounded sad and distant.

            I shrugged.

            “I’m not sure.”

            I could barely even utter my own response. Everything seemed to require so much energy that neither one of us appeared to have.

Secrets in the Snow (On Hold) <--- As much as I hate to do that.Where stories live. Discover now