Secrets in the Snow

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****Hello everyone! This is my newest idea. For now I'm just posting a short little... prologue type thing, because I didn't really get too far into it yet. I will warn you now, this story is going to be quite different than the ones I have posted on here thus far, but I hope you'll still like it. I will try to update an actual chapter quickly, but seeing as I'm always busy, I don't know how well I'll be able to do so. Regardless... you can at least have this little preview for now. :) ****

           It was snowing hard the day that I walked out of East Middleton High school, harder than it had ever snowed in East Middleton before. I felt the snow seeping through my canvas shoes as I walked along the unplowed sidewalk. Earlier that morning my car had died and since both my parents were at work until about five o’clock in the afternoon that meant that I was forced to walk all the way home.

            My best friend since pre-kindergarten, Austin Crouse, was running up behind me. Her long, sandy blonde hair blew in the wind as she attempted to put a hat on mid run.

            “Hey wait up!” she shouted from behind me. I stopped walking long enough for her to catch up. “Why are you in such a hurry today?” she asked. “I was waiting.”

            I didn’t feel like talking to you.

            “I just wanted to get home fast. I’m too tired,” I lied.

            Austin was a great friend, and a great listener, but sometimes all I really wanted was to be left alone. I’m sure she would have understood if I had simply told her that, but I also knew that it would make her a little sad. She hated seeing me upset and always wanted to do everything she could to try and make me feel better.

            She started talking as we continued to walk. I wasn’t really listening to what she was saying though. My mind was lost in my own thoughts. All I could hear was what sounded like mumbling… a lot of mumbling. Often times Austin would get lost in her own thoughts too, and she’d start talking so quietly you could barely hear what she was saying. I didn’t have to be listening to know that she was doing it right then.

            As I had stated earlier, my car had died that morning. It was a rusted old pile of crap to most people, but I loved it nonetheless. I was sad to see it go. On top of that, my parents were fighting again. They always seemed to be fighting these days. I woke up that morning to screaming coming from across the house and left as quickly as possible to avoid being caught in the middle of whatever it was that they were arguing about.

            I was sulking over the not so fun events of my day when I heard Austin yelling my name. Looking up from the ground, which I hadn’t realized I’d been staring at, I realized that I could barely see two feet in front of me. It was snowing that hard.


            I turned to my right, as it seemed like that was where her voice had been coming from.

            “Austin?” I yelled back.

            “Beth! I can’t see you?”

            Now it seemed to be coming from my left. Stay in one place! I thought to myself. That was all she had to do.

            “I can’t see you either!” I said. No reply. “Beth?” I asked cautiously.

            Still no reply. A scream though… that’s what I heard. I was sure of it. It was muffled, but it was still a scream. My heart began to pound heavily in my chest. What was happening?

            “Au…Austin?” I asked yet again, shaking, and not just from the cold.

            There was silence all around me. What had just happened? Why couldn’t I see? Where did my best friend go? Why was I feeling so scared all of a sudden? I panicked. I tried to see which direction to walk in to get myself home, but I still couldn’t see. There was only white. Lots, and lots of white.

            I started to walk slowly again, hoping to at least hit a building I could go in, when I felt a sharp pain in my neck as though someone had just pierced a needle through my skin. Sure enough, I reached around and pulled a long, sharp, needle out and then rubbed at the sore spot it had left behind. I was about to hold the needle up to my face so I could get a better look at what it was when I started to feel a little dizzy. This wasn’t good. My whole body went numb and I dropped to the ground and lay there, paralyzed. I wanted to scream, just as Austin had, but no sound would come out.

            The last thing I saw before I went under was a misty figure standing over me. I couldn’t make out what it was in time, and soon all I could see was black. After that, I couldn’t remember a single thing, not only about that day, but  about my entire life.

Secrets in the Snow (On Hold) <--- As much as I hate to do that.Where stories live. Discover now