Ch 23 Reminiscing

Start from the beginning

"No I wanted to surprise them." she said casually

I sat up really quick which caused her to fall off my chest

"Sammy, are you okay" She asked concerned now in a sit up position

"You can't surprise them with something like that. What if they don't like me? What if they think you are bringing home a black man home and then they see me like in the movie Guess Who? They thought the taxi driver was her boyfriend. Are you crazy? Pre-warn them. I'm seriously not going through that" I say in a serious tone.

"Don't worry you will be driving so there will be no mix-up." she said like it's no big deal.

"Annabel, tell them" I took her phone from my night stand and passed it to her

She started laughing

"This is not a laughing matter, seriously call them" I say seriously. Why is she so nonchalant about this?

"Calm down Sammy I was joking. I did tell them but I wanted to see your reaction." she giggled some more

"That is not funny" I said folding my arms and pouting like a little kid

"Aww, little Sammy is sad" She said pinching my cheeks so I flipped her over so I was now on top of her. I bended down very close to her ear and whispered "Trust me, I'm not so little". I slowly nibbled her earlobe and then stopped to add "in more ways than one." Her breath pattern turned uneven and then I unpinned her getting up.

"Wait, where are you going" she asked obviously frustrated.

"Going downstairs to eat. My mom said dinner is at eight."

She looked to the right at my digital clock which was exactly eight

She huffed."You don't play fair"she said getting up

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I said smirking. I was happy that I left her hot and bothered and I know it seems like I teased her on purpose but honesty if Sammy Jr. was any indication I definitely wanted to do more. I would've had sex with her not caring about my mom's stupid rule to come on time to dinner and eat as a family. However, I wanted her first time to be romantic not in my room with my mom probably knocking on the door several times for us to come downstairs to eat. She deserved better.

We hurried downstairs, after coming to my house many times; Annabel realized that my mother gets agitated when we come late to the table. If she says dinner is 8 you better believe dinner is 8.

Fast forward to March 28th

We arrived at Annabel's parents home at 9 it only took us one hour. You got to love that New York and New Jersey is about an hour away from each other.

When Annabel saw her mom, they hugged immediately. I know her and her mother are very close. She talks to her mother over the phone frequently. Her mother also gave me a hug and her father gave me a firm handshake.

The next in throne to be Godfather(BWWM-Book 1 of the Godfather Series)Where stories live. Discover now