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The morning light filtered through the sheer curtains of your room, casting a soft glow that gradually roused you from your slumber. With a reluctant groan, you blinked away sleep, squinting against the intrusion of the sun's rays. Before you could fully awaken, the familiar voice of the butler pierced the tranquility of the morning.

"Sir, the prince is waiting for you. Wake up."

The words jolted you into awareness, though a lingering sense of disorientation clung to your thoughts. Rubbing the remnants of sleep from your eyes, you couldn't shake the uncanny feeling that something about the situation was off, unsettling even.

"Sir, please stop daydreaming and open your eyes," the butler's voice intruded again, pulling you back to the present.

With a resigned sigh, you pushed yourself upright, throwing off the covers and swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. "Alright, alright," you muttered irritably, "Tell him I'll be there soon."

As the butler retreated from the room, you took a moment to gather yourself, your gaze wandering idly around the familiar space. Your thoughts drifted momentarily to the prince awaiting your presence, his uncanny resemblance to another figure lingering in your mind. 

Is he related to Childe or something? You thought silently.

After a quick adjustment to the brightness of the room, you made your way to the closet, the anticipation of the day's events mingling with a touch of apprehension. Your fingers traced over the fabric of the uniform you had chosen, its sleek lines and polished appearance reflecting your desire to make a good impression.

"It looks cool, no matter how many times I see it," you murmured to yourself, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips.

Swiftly, you dressed and tidied your room before venturing out into the labyrinthine corridors of the castle. Each twist and turn seemed to stretch endlessly before you, the confusing hallways made you confused and irritated.

As you finally approached the prince's chambers, you were met by the butler and a vigilant knight, their presence a reminder of the formality and protocol that permeated the royal court.

"Excuse me, mister butler!" you called out, drawing their attention.

The knight stepped forward; his wary gaze fixed upon you. "What do you need from the butler?" he inquired; his tone cautious.

With a wry smile, the butler answered, "Don't worry, Vlad. He's the 'esteemed guest'." The knight's apology came swift and earnest, a testament to his dedication to duty.

"It's fine, really," you replied with a nod, "Is the prince here?"

With a nod of confirmation, the knight ushered you forward, his demeanor a blend of deference and vigilance. Stepping into the Prince's chambers, you were greeted by the sight of him standing at the window, his silhouette outlined against the morning light.

Before you could fully process the scene, the prince turned with a bright smile, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "Y/n, good to see you again!"

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