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Ding Dong! The reward announcement will occur in the battle arena in 5 minutes.

The announcement reverberated through the air like a jolt of electricity, snapping you out of your trance and signaling the climax of your journey. With each sound of the bell ding, your heart quickened, anticipation coursing through your veins like wildfire.

Startled from your brief moment of rest, you rose from your slumber, the remnants of sleep clinging to your weary eyes. It was surprising how quickly you slept, perhaps napped is a better word. And perhaps the extreme tiredness helped you to sleep better. 

 As you made your way to the bathroom, you caught a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror above the sink. Your hair was disheveled, strands of it falling in disarray around your face.

With a sigh, you splashed cool water on your face, the shock of it awakening your senses as you attempted to tame your unruly locks. "Well, I guess that'll have to do," you muttered to yourself, your gaze lingering on your reflection for a moment longer before turning away.

Exiting the bathroom, you hesitated for a moment, uncertainty gnawing at the edges of your mind. "Do I look presentable?" you murmured, though the question seemed trivial in the grand scheme of things. With a shrug, you pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the task at hand.

As the minutes ticked by, the anticipation in the air increased, the tension reaching a fever pitch. Finally, the moment arrived, and you made your way to the arena amidst a sea of cheering spectators. The man in charge of the announcement raised his hand, commanding the attention of the crowd. With a clearing of his throat, he addressed you directly, his words hanging heavy in the air.

"To y/n l/n, are you ready for the announcement?" he asked, his voice carrying across the arena with authority. You nodded in response, your heart pounding in your chest as you awaited the verdict.

"As you have demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication, you will be rewarded with a prestigious position," the man declared, his words met with a roar of applause from the crowd.Meanwhile, Prince Tartaglia fidgeted impatiently in his seat, unable to contain his excitement. "Please, Prince Tartaglia, remain still," his butler implored, though his weariness was evident in his voice.

The butler looked at you from above, "He is indeed amazing, so will he be your knight from now on?" Tartaglia laughed heartily, his enthusiasm infectious as he eagerly awaited the outcome. "Of course he will," he declared confidently, his eyes alight with anticipation. "I can't let talent like that slip through my fingers."

With the announcement made, the crowd erupted into cheers, their voices echoing off the walls of the arena. Amidst the chaos, you searched for Xiao, but he was nowhere to be found, his absence noted with a pang of disappointment. 

Soon the event came to an end, and you left the arena. And your friends rushed to congratulate you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within you. 

"y/n, oh my gosh, you did it!" Yoimiya's exciting voice filled the air as she leaped forward, wrapping you in a tight embrace from behind. You stumbled forward, but Kazuha's quick reflexes prevented you from falling. "Easy there, Yoimiya," he chuckled, steadying you with a gentle hand. "Remember, y/n still has some wounds."

Yoimiya recoiled in alarm, her eyes widening in panic as she realized her mistake. "Oops! Sorry!" she exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "But anyways, I'm proud of you." Despite her energetic nature, her genuine pride shone through, bringing a smile to your lips.

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