Chapter 1. Ending's and Begining's

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***Y/n POV The Beginning***

I'd just got back from a six month long mission and was pretty tired and very hungry. Living off food pills for so long just made me miss real food even more. I walked through the front gates of the leaf village. It was pretty dark and there weren't many people out. I looked at my watch and it was about eleven a.m. no wonder the streets were so dead . As I reached the entrance of the Uchiha compound I froze. Something felt off. It was too quiet. There was a light, cool breeze. Only it didn't smell fresh, it smelt like blood. Everywhere. It was surrounding me like a toxic gas. I could choke on the atmosphere. I instantly ran to my house but stopped at the front door and placed my hand on it. Death.... the feeling was strong and sickening. But before I could turn the knob I was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. When I turned around a tall silver haired man was standing in front of me. He had a white dog looking mask on with red and black markings on it, the left eye was completely covered. It was one of the Anub black ops team. He looked directly at me.

"Y/n Uchiha the Hokage would like to see you."

A light sting came to my eye's. The last time this happened was when my brother Obito had died years ago and now I've lost the only person I had left. Grandma.... She was a loving woman even though I was only her adopted grandchild, she never treated me any different than Obito. I cared for the woman deeply and would miss her more than anything. I lowered my head to the ground and nodded to the silver haired man and slowly followed him to the Hokage's mansion. He kept looking back at me impatient but I couldn't make my legs move any faster, they felt like jelly and were becoming heavier with each step. He never said a word though allowing me to keep up at my own pace. Once we reached the Hokage's office door the man pushed it open and stood aside waiting for me to enter. Once I walked in he let the door close behind me leaving the Hokage Sarutobi and me alone. The Hokage cleared his throat and looked at me grimly. He looked like he was getting older by the day. He had to be what in his seventies by now. Hiruzen took back over after the 4th Kage, Minato Namikaze died in the nine tails massacre. He looked tired and run down, I could see the toll the position was putting on him and if my guess was right he maybe had another five years or so before retiring again. I waited for him to speak unsure if I even could at the moment. First I was parched beyond belief and to be honest starving too. Not to mention dead tired but the complete shock right I was in right now was over shadowing all of that. I didn't know what to think of everything that was happening at the moment.

"Y/n Uchiha. It's been awhile I didn't realize you were already do back. I'm sure from what you felt...."

He paused for a moment before looking me directly in the eye.

"The uhm. Compound. There's been an incident..."

He trailed off again. I was starting to grow impatient and frustrated. We both knew what state the compound was in right now. What I wanted to know was how and why.

"Hokage sir, with all due respect I've been gone for six months and I come home to well... nothing. Please tell me what's going on. I need to know what happened. I'm extremely confused sir."

He looks at me before sighing. This was something the man did often in my presence.

"Itachi Uchiha. He.. well he went rogue. He's been acting strange for awhile now. I was expecting him to come in for a mission but he never showed and next thing I know my Anub is informing me that Itachi has massacred the whole Uchiha compound."

He stopped then. Waiting for my reaction . Hell, I was waiting for me to react. But nothing happened like always. Was I pissed fuck yeah but I didn't know Itachi or Sasuke Uchiha only that they were bothers and we were some how related but it was distant.  Grandma didn't really interact with them much and always seemed to keep to herself, never harming a why? Why her? What had she done to Itachi to cause him to murder an innocent old woman. I could murder Itachi without a second thought. But that was only on the surface. Deep down I felt practically nothing for the guy. Revenge was a waste of energy really. This empty feeling had developed after years of missions and death; it almost seemed like a normal way of life anymore. When I didn't respond he sighed while watching me. More like staring into my soul waiting for something to stir. But there was nothing there anymore, whatever part of me that held emotions was long dead by now. Both of my parents died a year or so after I was born and that's when Obito's grandma adopted me. He was eight at the time and welcomed me with open arms but I never truly felt that sibling bond with him. But I did care for him nonetheless. No one really knew who my parents were so I couldn't really inquire after info of who the two mysterious beings were. Sure grandma had been a wonderful guardian but she just wasn't the parental figure I needed growing up, which caused me to rely on the Hokage too much and gave him a grip over my life that I couldn't escape from. The Hokage cleared his throat, drawing me out of my head. He didn't say anything for a bit and neither did I. After a silent stare down he then shook his head in defeat.

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