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The First Encounter.

September, 1st

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September, 1st.

Following the loss of her mother, Lilac found herself consumed with guilt.

She couldn't shake the feeling that she was responsible for the tragic events that unfolded that night. In an attempt to cope with her overwhelming grief, she turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as experimenting with illicit substances.

The haunting memories of that ill-fated night continued to torment Lilac's subconscious like a malevolent curse, infiltrating her dreams and plaguing her waking hours. Each time she closed her eyes, the vivid images of that night replayed relentlessly. To further her anguish, permanent scars now adorn her forehead and other parts of her body, serving as a visible reminder of the physical and emotional wounds inflicted upon her that night.

Meanwhile, Lilac's father—Toby Walton—also found himself entangled in the clutches of an immense and all consuming loss. The burden of his grief weighed heavily upon his weary shoulders, rendering even the simplest acts of self-care a daunting task. As the tendrils of sorrow wound their way around his heart, Toby's ability to provide the much needed support and guidance to his daughter, Lilac, was severely compromised.

Saint Haven Academy, the esteemed institution known for its rigorous academic curriculum and supportive environment, shone brightly as a glimmer of hope for Toby amidst the whirlwind of his conflicting emotions. Despite the heart-wrenching decision to send Lilac to a prestigious boarding school for girls, Toby knew deep down that it was the right choice for her well-being, even though it meant enduring his own feelings of sorrow and solitude.

Upon hearing the news of their impending move and Lilac's enrollment in a new school, a heavy silence descended upon her. She found herself unable to articulate her true emotions, as a mix of apprehension and uncertainty swirled within her.

As the cool breeze of a September afternoon swept through Lilac's body, she couldn't help but shiver slightly. The Uber's window was cracked open just enough to allow the refreshing air to circulate inside the car. The warm rays of the bright sun streamed through the window, enveloping her face in a luminous glow that accentuated the deep hues of her lustrous dark hair.

Lilac leaned back against the seat, closing her eyes to bask in the tranquillity of the moment. The subtle scent of flowers wafted through the car, adding a touch of sweetness to the crisp autumn air. Beside her, her father was peacefully asleep, his gentle snores filling the car's silence.

In the distance, a tall gate loomed, its imposing height casting a shadow over the surrounding landscape. Lilac, feeling a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, couldn't help but fixate on the gate's intricate ironwork and the way it seemed to conceal the mysteries that lay beyond its intimidating presence. The dirt road leading beyond the gate seemed to beckon her, like an untold secret. As they ventured closer, the tall, majestic building stood as a silent sentinel, exuding an air of mystery.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. | 𝐰𝐥𝐰Where stories live. Discover now