Chapter 6

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Frag. I had escaped the autobot base, but received a new injury on my arm. It seemed pretty deep, most likely will leave a scar. Another one to add to the collection. I had no idea where I was transported to, but it was sandy. Really sandy. It was very unpleasant. Also, all this sand was not good for my injuries, new and old. A groundbridge opened. Quite a distance from me. Autobots? I stopped dead in my tracks ready to fight if it was needed. But it wasn't. They were cons. I didn't recognize them. Well, they all looked the same. Drones. I assume.

At the sight of me, they became rather hesitant. Besides a couple, who became worried and rushed over. There was a total of five of them. The two that had come over, started helping me towards the ground bridge. The other three keeping guard incase of any autobots. These were decepticons, I could trust them. Not fully, but enough. Stepping through the groundbridge, I was met with faces I didn't recognize. A red cons face twisted in disgust and concern at the sight of me. The red con suggested a medical check-up and the drones started taking me somewhere.


The red con, I now knew as Knockout, kept insisting on buffing up my scars. I refused, I didn't trust this medic, enough. He was quite interested in my newest injury, which had stopped bleeding thanks to him, but he was curious of the color of my energon and wanted to take samples. I refused, I wasn't letting this medic take samples of my energon. At some point, the medic ordered me to stay put as he grabbed lord Megatron. Lord Megatron? He was still a decepticon here? If I couldn't prevent my Megatron from joining the autobots, maybe I could prevent this Megatron from joining.

". . . think he's one of the alternates the autobots mentioned." Knockout suggested as the medbay doors opened. Looking over, I saw a grey mech next to the medic. That was Megatron? There was a significant difference between my Megatron and this one.

"And what may bring you to that prediction?" Megatron queried. The voice was somewhat the same.

"Well he's not in our database, and his energon is not the same as ours." The medic explained, picking up something. "I gathered what energon I could from his injury," creep. "and everything about it is different. Even the color." He held up a vial, that was filled nearly to the brim of my energon. "If he is an alternate, he could be any one of us. But I'm not sure if he speaks."

"Just because he doesn't speak, doesn't mean he can't answer questions." The warlord stated, in a rather threatening tone. I have to admit, I missed that tone of voice.

"Right, I'll get to that." The medic sheepishly said as he hurried over. The warlord stayed in the room, more off to the side. The medic practically shoved a datapad into my servos. He wanted me to type in my designation. Before he could explain anything, I had already returned the datapad to him.


I was being led somewhere. The nemesis here was a bit different. Doors slid open and Megatron led me inside. I did somewhat recognize this place, the brig. There were drones working below. A few looked up, but got back to work, a couple just kept looking. Curiosity pinged off of them. There were a couple that differed from the drones. A slim light grey mech and a navy blue mech that was occupied at a monitor, that didn't bother looking over. He was focused entirely on his work.

"Megatron, who is.. this?" The slim mech queried, looking me up and down. He was curious.

"He happens to be one of the alternates. You'll do well to give him the same respect as any other high ranked officer." Megatron explained, leaving out details.

"Alternates? Don't tell me you believe what those autobots said."

"I do, and if you have anything to say about it. I'm sure our guest would be happy to hear." I listened to the two bicker back and forth. This mech had some nerve.

"If he is an alternate, who is he the alternate of?"

"Soundwave, if you must know, Starscream." Wait. Starscream!? I did a double take. This was Starscream? He looked nothing like my Starscream. The seeker gawked at me, baffled that I looked much different from his Soundwave. This caught the occupied mechs attention. The navy blue mech looked over. That was this universes Soundwave. We did look quite different from eachother.


It had been quite some time since my arrival here. Not once had I been sent out on a mission, and being cooped up in here was starting to get to me. I had to participate in con meetings, and to my displeasure, I was put next to screamer. Bad choice. Once he started butting into Megatrons plans, I just zoned out as the two bickered. Megatron's thoughts filled with anger and aggression. Starscreams on the other hand became defensive, and also angry. Despite the twos thoughts being the strongest in the room, the others thoughts filled with annoyance. The nerve this Starscream had to talk to Megatron this way.

Honestly, I was thinking of grabbing the seeker by the head and slamming it into the table. One thing that caught my attention was the absence of Thundercracker and Skywarp, where were they? The trine were usually glued to eachother. Instead of acting on my thoughts, I glared at the seeker. Of course, he couldn't tell I was glaring but it would make him uncomfortable enough to shut the hell up, eventually.

At some point the seeker had realized I was staring at him, wondering how long he'd been making a fool of himself. Although this version of Starscream was rather annoying, he could be amusing. I smiled slightly as the seeker shuffled. I looked back to the warlord, as if a signal that he could continue. If the seeker tried to interrupt Megatron again, I was going to act upon my thoughts.

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