Chapter 4

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Before anyone could utter a word, I blasted the former warlord into a wall. I had decided to use the cannon on my shoulder instead of making it known I had blasters in my servos. Suddenly attacking the mech was probably not the smartest move, the brute was right next to me. Bulkhead immediately restrained me. Well, not immediately, he took a moment standing there to process what had just happened. I complied with the brute, putting up a bit of a fight as he dragged me back into sickbay. I figured I would not lash out right at this moment. If I did, I'd have worse consequences. For right now, I was stuck in sickbay as the brute guarded the exit. I could hear them discussing, though I couldn't hear them. Confusion wavered over them all.

Eventually the brute moved and joined the others. I say there quietly, plotting my next move. I had not seen the former warlord since a little after he joined the autobots. I could only imagine what they were discussing.

POV Switch

Groaning, I felt someone lift me up. My optics opened back up to see the alternative Optimus, and a blue con I knew all to well being dragged off. Earlier, the autobots had found me. Well, this universes autobots. We had being discussing possibilities for quite some time and this was the only thing that made sense, although there was some denial. "Are you alright?" The prime asked.

"I'll be fine. Will he?" I looked over to where Soundwave was dragged off to, a green bot I did not recognize guarding it.

"Yes, he'll be quite fine." He reassured me. He seemed so much like my own Optimus.

"Mind telling us what that was about?" The femme now known as Arcee questioned skeptically.

"I don't mind at all. Ever since I've joined the autobots, Soundwave and I have not been on great terms for many personal reasons." I subtly explained, not wanting to go into detail.

"Wait a minute, did I hear that right? That's your Soundwave!?" The green bot questioned as he joined us.

"Yes?" I tilted my head at the bot. Did the Soundwave here look different from mine?

"Woahh, who've you?" A little voice asked.

"Miko!" The green bot looked off to the side. A human. Humans were quite interesting, yet most were too scared to get anywhere close to me. Two other humans ran up to her.

"I take it that these are your humans?" I asked, curiosity flooding my processor.

"Yes. Who shouldn't be over here, go back!" The green bot ordered, shooing away the humans.

"You mentioned you didn't have a good relationship with Soundwave for personal reasons, what kind of reasons?" Arcee interrogated.

"I don't feel the need to answer that." I retaliated, looking off to my side, away from her.

"Megatron, any and all details would be useful to help us better understand and expect what can occur with your presence here." The prime thoroughly explained, Optimus did have a point. He always had a point with whatever he said.

"I suppose you do have a point. Fine then, a little before I joined the autobots Soundwaves minicons were sent on a stealth mission, simple and easy. But it didn't go that way, both minicons were killed in action. Soundwave blames me for their death, and with me joining the autobots soon after, it only brought him further reason to turn his anger towards me." I explained, attempting to go into as little detail as possible.

"Wait minicons? As in plural?" The green bot questioned. That part of the explanation caught his attention?

"Yes, Ravage and Laserbeak. The three were very close." Before I could continue, an alarm blared and a green light flashed all over the room. "What is that?" I questioned as the alarm quieted.

"Proximity alarm. Agent fowler is here, I suggest you step out of the room Whenever he visits he tends to be in a sour mood." The prime suggested. I nodded in response and stepped out into the hall.

POV Switch

I paced the width of the room, deep in thought. Confusion and pity wavered over the autobots. Then it all left. They partly understood, yet some were still confused. Before I could utter another thought a rather annoying alarm blared in my audio receptors. I peered my helm out the door to see what was going on. The alarm stopped and Megatron was gone. Good riddance.

"Agent Fowler, I can assure you that this cybertronian you saw was not one of us." The prime reassured this agent Fowler. I got a better look to see it was a human.

"So, there's a red con, who emerged from a mysterious portal, speeding through Portland!?" The human 'questioned' quite loudly.

"Red con? You mean Knockout?" Arcee joined the conversion.

"It might be, but the vehicle looks nothing like his." Fowler pointed out.

"He's right, this looks nothing like Knockouts alt mode." Ratchet gestured to the screen. I couldn't see what was on it.

"Maybe one of our guests know who it is." Bulkhead suggested.

"Guests? Optimus you got some explaining to do." The humans temper was growing.

"I will explain, Bulkhead, secure Soundwave, and Arcee, retrieve Megatron." The prime ordered. Scrap. I backed away from the exit and sat down on the berth. The brute eventually came over and stood guard at the door. Great. All I could do now was listen.

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