"Who?" I asked defensively.

"Oh sorry, it's the old lady who owns, well Lias Diner with her husband. They were like my second parents when I got kicked out and was all fucked up and shit. She uh... she found me one morning on the dock in front of the diner and basically nursed me back to health. They never judged me. Even after I kept doing drugs. I'd go in there and everytime she'd ask 'Still trynna kill yourself?' She's a sweet lady. Reminds me a lot of you honestly. I'm just excited for you guys to meet that's all." He shrugged reminiscing on the good and bad times.

"Well I'm excited to meet her." I smiled gripping his hand.

Once we got there, we parked and Rafe looked like a little kid running up to the door.

"Come on babe." He rushed holding the door open.

"Ok I'm coming." I chuckled as I walked through the front door with him right behind me.

"Good morning what can I get you- Rafe is that you?" A sweet old lady, maybe in her early 70's, came waddling from the kitchen.

"Hi Lia!" Rafe said excitedly as he went behind the counter and hugged her.

"Oh my sweet boy, are you still trying to kill yourself? Let me see your eye." With Rafe towering  over, she squished his cheeks and moved his head side to side. Looking him up and down making sure he's good and well.

"No Lia guess what?" He asked.

"What is it child?" She asked turning to see me.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart, how rude of me. I'm Lia. Are you with Rafe?" She asked.

I opened my mouth to speak but for some reason, I was nervous.

"Lia this is Y/n, she's my girlfriend. Y/n this is Lia, she's my uh..." Rafe started trying to figure out how to introduce her.

"Im his aunty Lia. Nice to meet you sweetheart." She chuckled grabbing us both a water.

"Nice to meet you to." I smiled.

"Glad someone got him under control. She's adorable where'd you find her?" She asked jokingly.

"Found her along the journey, you been ok?" He asked her with a smile stuck on his face.

"Ive been real good. Business is nice and you know old Craig still stuck in front of that TV." She pointed to the old man past the counter in the back.

"Hey old man!" Rafe shouted.

"Ahh quit your yapping Arnold!" The man yelled.

Seeing the confusion on my face Rafe spoke up.

"He has dementia. He always though I was him and Lias son, Arnold, after he uh..." Rafe trailed off.

"He passed in a car crash, bless his soul. It's alright Rafe it don't hurt to talk about it much." She smiled.

"Sorry Lia." He said.

"Your ok, so what can I get you to eat? Waffles?" Lia smiled at Rafe knowingly.

"Oh my god, babe you have to try her waffles! I've never eaten a waffle as good as hers, no offense your waffles are amazing but you have to try the." He boasted and I laughed.

"Ok I'll try them, I will." I laughed rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

"Two orders of waffles coming right up." Lia said.

"Oh Lia, I'm 5 months sober." Rafe told her. (I'm pretty sure it's been 5 months I don't remember but it sounds accurate.)

"No kidding? That's amazing Rafe I'm proud of you honey really. How bout a side of my Chex mix to go with your waffles, as uhhhh getting clean present." She said.

"You know you don't have to but you know I won't pass up your Chex mix." He said.

"I'll take that as a yes!" She shouted as she went to the back.

"Thank you for bringing me here." Rafe smiled pulling me into a hug.

"Of course baby. You know we can come here whenever you like? Not just because it's Valentine's Day." I told him as we pulled away and sat down at the bar.

"Thanks baby, just wait to see what I have planned for you." He smiled saying and I could only laugh.

As breakfast ended and we said our goodbyes to Lia, it was time to go golfing.

Although I was secretly dreading standing in the heat for the rest of my time, it felt amazing seeing Rafe smile the way he did at breakfast and the whole time we spoke to Lia.

They're relationship was absolutely adorable. I even got what would be considered a lecture from Lia.

She just asked if I really cared, and if I loved him, and if I ever broke his heart, she said "Even being almost 80 years old I'll still hunt you like a deer."

I was shocked, as the phrase came from an almost 80 year old women, but I was happy she loved Rafe enough to say something like that.

She did follow it with "You look like a sweet girl and I don't mean to be harsh, but he's been through enough and I don't need a girl of all things to mess that up."

And I 100% agree with her. We actually got into good conversation about him before he came back out.

She really was a nice old lady.

We actually met Topper and Kelce at the golf course, and Kelce had brought a girl with him. That was shocking.

Topper looked drunk off his ass and Kelce looked as happy as Rafe. But it was clearly a different reason considering the girls make up was destroyed, along with her hair.

So I sat in the golf cart with her and helped her with her mess.

"God that's so embarrassing." She sighed as a helped her straighten her hair out as she wiped the access makeup off with wipes I had in my purse.

"Don't even worry about it. Trust me with that man, there's no way sex in public will ever be an option." I told her remembering the countless times me and Rafe had had sex and left me looking like...well a hooker.

"It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't make thing noticeable." She said also taking notice to the dark hickey on her neck.

"I know it's like they have an oral fixation. Always have to be sucking on something." I told her.

"I know right, makes me wonder." She chuckled and so did I.

"I'm Y/n, by the way." I said moving to sit next to her.

"I'm Bailey, sorry for the awkward introduction." She chuckled.

"No don't even worry about it. So, how did you meet Kelce?" I asked her.

"It was honestly just us both needing and wanting a Valentine. Good dick but this is boring as shit. Your with Rafe?" She asked.

"Sure am. This is boring but I mean look at they're faces. They all look happy. Well except Tooper he's not looking to good." I said noticing him leaning on his club nodding out in the sunlight.

"Yea he was being weird when we first got here. I think he's drunk."

"Oh yea definitely." I nodded.

As the boys hauled us around the golf course, the time was getting closer to lunch, and we all needed to eat.

We let them finish they're last course until we told them it was time to go.

"This Valentines bullshit. I had a valentine. But not anymore. Not Topper." Tooper was messed up man.

Drunker than drunk.

So we took him home before lunch while Kelce and his girl stayed at the course.

After that we went to the country club and maxed out of both unhealthy and healthy foods, before it was my turn for surprises...

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