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| 48 | The Price of Involvement

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When the time came to leave, it was harder than the last time for Jackson to say goodbye. All he wanted to do was head back to the ruin with Damon, but he knew that wasn't possible. Not yet.

          He sighed as he pulled his clothes back on, glancing over at Damon, who was following the tops of the surrounding mountains with his eyes. A part of Jackson wanted to ask if he could go with Damon and search for the demon lair possibly hiding in the rocks somewhere; however, not only was he positive that Damon would say no, but he also felt fatigued, despite the fact that Damon's embrace had healed him.

          Once he put his bag on over his shoulder, he reached in and pulled out his phone. It was ten past five.

          "Hey, um...when are you gonna look around for the lair? Don't you have to get back?"

          Damon looked over at him. "I'll come back later tonight. The darkness is our greatest ally."

          He nodded as he tucked his phone away and buttoned his coat. "Thanks again. And...be careful."

          The Alpha walked over to him, and as Jackson held out his hands, Damon rested his head in them. "Head straight back to your room, please," he pleaded softly, moving his head closer, and as he rested the top of his head against Jackson's forehead, he exhaled deeply. "And don't do anything reckless until I see you again tomorrow."

          Jackson smiled a little. When he first met Damon, he appeared as this huge, terrifyingly powerful beast with nothing close to emotion other than anger and annoyance. He was like a robot with three settings and two facial expressions. But now, he knew Damon a whole lot better, and seeing this softer, more vulnerable side to him made Jackson feel content. To think that he'd once been convinced his feelings for this man were pointless.... It made him smile.

          But then he realized he was drifting into his thoughts. He cleared his throat and lightly gripped Damon's neck fur. "I won't, I promise. I'm tired, anyway. So, I'm probably just gonna get back and sleep until tomorrow."


          "Are we meeting at the same time again?"

          "Mm-hmm. I'll have a talk with the council tonight about your disappearance. I'll tell them I picked up your trail while hunting and think you're still out here somewhere."

          "Aysel and Elias will probably—"

          "Elias is heading out with a few Epsilons to investigate the cadejo canyon, and Aysel is teaching the boys to channel their ancestry, so they won't be around to try and dismiss the subject," he explained, stepping back so that he could see Jackson's face.

          "Do you think the council would be open to considering letting me come back? Are you gonna tell them the truth about Aysel and Elias?"

          He shook his head. "Not yet. I don't know which of them would side with her if it came to it. I don't want to risk that kind of conflict. We can't afford to lose anyone else."

          Jackson nodded. As much as he wanted Aysel and Elias to pay for what they'd done, he knew it wasn't as easy as outing them to the pack. And he trusted that Damon knew what he was doing.


          "But as long as I explain why you left and why you were outside the walls, I'm sure they will agree with my decision to invite you back."

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